
牛津译林版高中英语,必修一Unit 2 Growing pains Task-Listening and Writing(共35张PPT)

日期:2024-06-11 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:39次 大小:4226513Byte 来源:二一课件通
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课件35张PPT。英语教学课件(N)必修1Unit 2Task Writing a letter of adviceListeningPage 32 ListeningTapescript1.Woman: What’s wrong? Man: My best friend has just started playing on the school football team. Woman: Why is that a problem? Man: Well, now he seldom has time to see me. I feel quite lonely. Woman: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.2.Man: What’s the matter? Woman: My father wants me to study maths and science, and work in a big company when I grow up. Man: Well, that sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it? Woman: Yes, but I want to be an actress. Man: I see. You should talk to him about this.3.Woman: Why are you so sad? Man: Oh, it’s my daughter! Woman: Is she having difficulty with her lessons again? Man: No. She just refuses to do anything I tell her any more. What should I do?4.Man: My father makes me so angry! Woman: What’s the matter? Man: Well, he never listens to anything I say! Woman: I hate it when that happens! Man: Then he shouts at me when I don’t listen to him. Woman: I know just what you mean!5.Man: Why are you calling me so late? Woman: I have an exam tomorrow. Man: So? Woman: Well, I’m feeling worried and can’t go to sleep. It makes me so upset! Man: Me too! Woman: Why? What do you mean? Man: I have a big exam tomorrow and you just woke me up!Answers football, lonely science, actress refuses listens, shouts exam, worriedPage 33 ListeningHost: Welcome to Talk Time. This is George. Tell me your name and problem. Caller 1: My name is Christina and I’m calling about my mum. She often sighs and sometimes even cries, and then says we don’t spend enough time together. I love her, but I have things I want to do in my life. How can I still have fun and let my mum know I love her? Host: Invite your mum to join you doing the things you like. That way you can have fun and see your mum at the same time! Good luck, Christina! Hello, next caller, how can I help you? Caller 2: Hi, my name is Richard. My mum bought me some new clothes, but I don’t like what she got me. Should I tell her? Host: Richard, you should be honest, but let her know you are happy that she thought of you. I’m sure she won’t mind if you change them for something different. Good luck. Who is my next caller? Caller 3: Hello, Talk time? This is Jane. I called last week about my grandma. Host: Yes, Jane, you wanted to tell her that you want to live with your other grandparents, right? Caller 3: Yes, I took your advice and told her how I feel. You were right. She understood! Thanks so much. Host: Glad to help! We’ve got time for one more call. Caller 4: My father always shouts angrily at me. He says, ‘William, turn off that TV and go outside! But I don’t want to go outside! How can I make him stop shouting? Host: Well, you shouldn’t spend so much time watching TV. It isn’t good for your eyes. Join a sports team. You will feel better and your father will stop shouting at you. Thanks for calling in! Listen to Talk Time again next week at this time.AnswersA1 Jane 2 Wi ... ...

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