
Module 10 Unit 1 He was in the kitchen.教案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:91次 大小:44032Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 10 unit 1 He was in the kitchen 【教学目标】 1. 语言知识目标: 学习单词:kitchen, toilet, room, living room, hide-and-seek, last, hide, sofa 学习句型:He was in the kitchen. 2. 语言技能目标: 在日常生活中使学生能用where did you find…/He was in the kitchen这类句型谈论人或物品所处的位置。 3.情感目标: 通过使用简单英语做游戏,使学生体会到英语学习的乐趣。 【教学重点】 能清晰准确地发出本课所教单词的音。在日常生活中使学生能用在日常生活中使学生能用He was in the kitchen这类句型谈论人或物品所处的位置。 【教学难点】 在日常生活中使学生能用where did you find…/He was in the kitchen这类句型谈论人或物品所处的位置。 【教学过程】 Step 1.Warming up 1. Greeting. 2. Enjoy a song hide and seek. (由这首歌导入本课) Step 2.Lead in Ⅰ.Learn new words 1. Enjoy a chant (Activity1) 由chant 导入新词汇 Ⅱ.Learn the text. T: Today we’re going to learn Module10 unit1 He was in the kitchen. (板书)(lead the students to read the title for two times.) T: Amy, Lingling, Sam and John is playing hide-and-seek, let’s have a look and then tell me, who is the winner OK 1. Watch the cartoon and understand the text context. 2. Give some questions and answer in groups. 1. Where’s Sam He’s in the .2. Where did Amy find John She found John the kitchen.3. Is Tom playing with them ( )A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn’t.4. Where is Tom He is hiding . 3. Check the answers 4. Read the text for two times Step 3.The consolidation of the practice 1.完成活动4 2. Play hide-and-seek. Step 4 sum up Step 5: Homework 1. Play hide-and-seek in English.2. Read the text with your partners for 3 times.(跟你的伙伴一起把课文读三遍) 3.完成自主学习Module10 轻松起步第一题、第二题 Step 6: Blackboard design Module 10 Unit 1 He was in the kitchen. Module10 unit1 He was in the kitchenWhere did you find … He/She was in the kitchen. 单 词 卡 PAGE 1 / 2

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