
人教版(2019)必修 第三册Unit 4 Space Exploration Reading for Writing 教学设计

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:74次 大小:22486Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 4 Space Exploration Reading for Writing 教学设计 IS EXPLORING SPACE A WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY The analysis of the text文本分析: The text presents a persuasive argument in favor of continuing space exploration despite criticisms that it is a waste of resources. It outlines several key points to support this stance: 1. Practical Benefits: The text highlights how space exploration has practical benefits for addressing global issues such as hunger. Satellites developed for space missions provide valuable data on land and weather patterns, which in turn helps improve agricultural practices and food production to feed the world's growing population. 2.Technological Advancements: Space exploration drives technological advancements that have wide-ranging applications beyond space missions. The development of advanced materials and technologies originally intended for space exploration has led to improvements in various industries, including healthcare and consumer products. This demonstrates how investments in space exploration can yield practical benefits for society as a whole. 3. Global Perspective and Solutions: Space exploration encourages a global perspective on Earth's challenges and potential solutions. Images of Earth from space help raise awareness of environmental issues and the finite nature of Earth's resources. Additionally, the search for habitable planets beyond Earth prompts discussions about sustainability and the need for long-term solutions to global problems. Overall, the analysis suggests that space exploration is not a waste of time and money but rather a worthwhile endeavor with tangible benefits for humanity. It emphasizes the importance of continued investment in space exploration to address both immediate and future challenges facing society. Objective: The objective of this English class is to engage students in an interactive exploration of the topic of space exploration. Through a combination of reading, discussion, and writing activities, students will improve their language skills while deepening their understanding of the subject matter. Duration: 45 minutes Materials Needed: - Printed copies of the provided passage on space exploration - Whiteboard or flip chart - Markers - Writing materials (notebooks, pens) Procedure: 1. Introduction (5 minutes) - Welcome the students to the class and introduce the topic of space exploration. - Briefly explain the objectives of the lesson: to read and discuss a passage on space exploration and engage in related language activities. 2. Reading Comprehension (10 minutes) - Distribute printed copies of the passage on space exploration to each student. - Instruct students to read the passage silently. - After reading, ask comprehension questions to ensure understanding, such as: - What are some practical benefits of space exploration mentioned in the passage - What ethical considerations are associated with space exploration - How does space exploration promote technological innovatio ... ...

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