

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:65次 大小:103170Byte 来源:二一课件通
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P1-2 U5 Topic 1 Section A 2024.1.5 单词: gate n. 大门;出入口 [at the school gate] 在学校大门口 【区分】:gate: 指学校、公园、工厂、城市、庭院等的大门,通常有墙无顶。 door: 指建筑物的大门或房间的门,一般有墙有顶。 by prep. ①(表方式)用;凭借;通过 by+交通工具 乘坐…… eg: by bike/bus/plane =on a bike/bus/plane (in a car) ②被 Paper was invented by Chinese. 纸是由中国人发明的。 ③在……旁;靠近 Girls sit by girls. 女孩挨着女孩坐。 Adv. 经过 pass by... 经过……passers by...路人 subway = underground n. 地铁 take the subway(动词词组) by subway(介词词组) 乘坐地铁 Eg: I take the subway to school every day.= I go to school by subway. 我每天乘坐地铁去学校。 Under 在...的下面 ground地面 on the playground在操场上 always adv. 总是,一直(频度副词)位置:主语之后,动词(实义动词)之前 Eg: She always goes to school by bike. 她总是骑自行车去学校。 频度副词:always> usually> often> sometimes> seldom> never All the time come on 快点儿;加油;来吧 fighting 加油 come e back home. Come from come in. Come out come up with on foot 步行 walk on time Eg: He goes to school on foot. 他步行去上学。 plane n. 飞机 by plane 乘坐飞机=by air =take the plane=on the plane train n. 火车 by train 乘坐火车=take the train=on the train v. 培训 train the brain 训练大脑 9. ship n. 船;舰 by ship 10. boat n. 小船;舟 by boat 乘坐小船 v. 划船 go boating 去划船 课文: Kangkang meets Jane and Helen at the school gate. 康康在学校大门口遇见了简和海伦。 【at the school gate】在学校大门口 --Happy New Year! --The same to you! 对问候语的回答 --Merry Christmas! --The same to you! --Happy birthday!--thank you Oh, your new bike looks very nice. --Thank you! 你的新自行车看起来真好看! look 系动词,“看起来”look good look nice look happy Do you often come to school by bike 你经常骑自行车来学校吗? by直接+交通工具,不能加冠词 How do you usually come to school 你通常怎样来学校? I usually come to school by subway. 我通常乘坐地铁来学校。 Oh, it’s time for class. 是上课的时候了!=It’s time to have class. It’s time for sth. = it’s time to do sth. 是做某事的时间了。 It’s time for sb. to do sth. 是某人做某事的时间了。 P3-4 Topic1 Section B 2024.1.6 单词: weekday n. 工作日 at the end of on weekdays 在平日 on weekends 在周末= on the weekend early adj.早的;提早的the early birds 早起的鸟儿 adv.早地;提高 修饰v. get up early起床早 You should 应该 get up early and go to bed early. bird n. 鸟 4. catch v.①捉住;接住 catch one’s eyes 吸引某人的眼光 单三:catches I catch a lot of fish. 我捉了许多鱼。 v.②染疾catch a cold catch up with追上赶上 catch the early bus 5. sometimes adv. 有时(频度副词) I sometimes go to school by bus.我有时坐公交去学校。 位置:主语之后,动词之前 6.seldom adv. 很少(频度副词) I seldom go to school by bus.我很少坐公交车去学校。 walk v.步行;散步 walk a dog遛狗 I walk home. 我步行回家。=I go home on foot. I walk to school. 我步行去学校。=I go to school on foot. walk off 离开;走开 walk up 走近 walk into走进 n.步行;散步 have/take a walk 散步=go for a walk My parents always ... ...

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