
2025外研版新教材英语高考第一轮基础练 (含答案与解析) 选择性必修第二册Unit 6 Survival

日期:2024-06-09 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:81次 大小:302452Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2025外研版新教材英语高考第一轮 Unit 6 Survival Ⅰ.阅读理解 A Budha Magar,a double above-the-knee amputee(被截肢者),is working with an all-Nepali team to attempt to conquer the world’s highest mountain in May.Though he will be kitted out(装备) with special climbing legs,he will essentially be crawling up Qomolangma using his hands. He estimates it will take him three times longer than able-bodied climbers to reach the summit(顶峰),though he is confident he will be faster than average on the ladder sections because of his superior upper body strength.Two climbers with below-knee amputations have reached Qomolangma’s summit before.But making the climb without knees is significantly harder.“In Nepali we say that being disabled is ‘like a burden of the earth’,” he explains.Magar hopes that he can raise awareness of just what is possible for a disabled person in the country of his birth,and hopefully inspire others further afield. He was born in a village of Nepal,and he left there at the age of 19.In April 2021,he had an accident.Suddenly legless,he spent at least 18 months depressed before a charity offered him the chance to go skydiving.“That was a big turning point for me,especially for my confidence.And when we landed on the ground I realized that even without legs we are able to do lots of things,” he says. He began doing sports—golf,rock climbing,table tennis—before setting his sights on mountaineering.Before long,a childhood dream to climb Qomolangma resurfaced,and he began training in Qomolangma to make the climb in 2018. Now living in Canterbury,Budha Magar has raised more than £200,000 towards his attempt.If he can find another £100,000 of sponsorship,he will travel to Nepal in spring with his expedition leader Krishna Thapa.Success on the world’s highest mountain can never be guaranteed,but his expedition credo(信条) illustrates his mindset:no legs,no limits. 1.What may enable Magar to perform better than average on the ladder sections A.His optimism. B.Unique equipment. C.His stronger upper body. D.Help from an all-Nepali team. 2.What can we learn about Magar from paragraph 3 A.He lived in his birthplace all the time. B.He recovered from the accident in 2021. C.He was a member of a charity. D.He gained confidence through skydiving. 3.What can we infer about Magar from the last paragraph A.He hasn’t raised enough money for the summit attempt. B.He needs a new expedition leader. C.He can ensure the success of reaching the summit. D.He will go to Canterbury in spring. 4.Which of the following best describes Magar A.Caring and courageous. B.Determined and adventurous. C.Hard-working and cooperative. D.Enthusiastic and intelligent. B Have you ever lost something in a hard-to-reach space,like behind a couch or a cupboard Wouldn’t it be nice to just be able to squeeze in and out New innovations in the field of robotics will soon be able to make this nice idea into a reality. In a study published on Jan ... ...

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