
Unit 1 Food for Thought Developing ideas---Writing学案(表格式)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:16次 大小:199402Byte 来源:二一课件通
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学习任务单 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 高一 学期 秋季 课题 Unit 1 Food for Thought Developing ideas--Writing 教科书 书 名:普通高中英语教科书 必修第二册 -出卷网-: 外语教学与研究-出卷网- 出版日期:2019年6月 学生信息 姓名 学校 班级 学号 学习目标 By the end of this lesson ,you will be able to 1.Write a recipe for your favorite dish from three aspects: introduction, ingredients and instructions; 2. Understand how to make a healthy dish and keep a balanced diet. 课前学习任务 1.在视频网站上了解一道你最喜欢吃的菜的制作过程; 2.在网上搜集资料,了解怎样的饮食才能被称作是平衡饮食。 课上学习任务 【学习任务一】 Free talk Can you describe your favorite Chinese dish to your foreign friends Can you teach them how to cook the dish 【学习任务二】 Skimming(2 mins) (1) How many parts can the passage be divided into (2) What is the main idea of each part 【学习任务三】 Scanning (3 mins) Scan the 1st part and answer the questions: (1) What is the origin of Gong Bao Chicken (2) What other aspects should be included in this part 【学习任务四】 Follow the pattern and write a brief introduction to your favorite dish. (4 mins) origin ...was originally introduction popularity Over the years,… it has become one of the most popular dishes… taste/flavour Spicy, sweet and sour flavour... comments Hard to resist; easy to make; can be adapted to individual tastes. 【学习任务五】 What are the two other parts of a recipe What is the writing style of instructions 【学习任务六】 Watch a video clip and mark down the ingredients and instructions to write a recipe combined with the introduction. 【学习任务七】 Evaluate your writing according to the following criteria. StructureContentLanguageThe writing includes introduction, ingredients,and instructions The ingredients and instructions are complete and clear logical and accurate The introduction includes the origin, popularity, flavors and comments No grammar mistake Then a sample writing will be given to you. 【学习任务八】 Two recipes will be shown to you.Can you tell which dish is healthier according to its ingredients and instructions (2 mins) 【学习任务九】 According to the food pyramid, can you tell how to keep a balanced diet 推荐的学习资源 Bilibili视频网站

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