
Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?课件(共23张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:55次 大小:178899Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit12 What did you do last weekend Grammar: 复习一般过去时 1. 定义 2.时间状语 3.动词过去式的构成 4.一般过去时的结构 was were had did went came am/is are have/has does/do go come 感叹句: What 感叹名词 How 感叹形容词/副词 1. What + a/an+形容词+单名+主+谓! What + 形容词+复数名词+ 主+谓! What + 形容词+不可数名词+主+谓! 2. How+形容词或副词+主+谓! 例:他是多么可爱的男孩啊! What a cute boy he is! 这个男孩是多么可爱啊! How cute the boy is! 这些是多么有趣的书啊! What interesting books these are! 这些书是多么的有趣啊! How interesting these books are! 例: 多么冷的天啊! What cold weather it is! What a cold day it is! 天多么冷啊! How cold the weather is! How cold the day is! 感叹句: 例: 多么兴奋的消息啊! What exciting news it is! 消息多么兴奋啊! How exciting the news is! 1.camp 露营 go camping— camped summer/ winter camp Words: My family camped by the lake last Sunday. 2.lake 湖 by the lake 3.beach 海滩 go to the beach ——— went on the beach 在海滩 I went to beach with my sister yesterday. 4.badminton 羽毛球 play badminton 打羽毛球 5. sheep 绵羊 单复数同形 a sheep/ two sheep/ many sheep I work in a hospital as a doctor. 6. as 作为 as a guide作为一名导游 7.natural 自然的 nature n 自然 There are many butterflies in the park. 8.butterfly 复数 butterflies Natural hair is the most beautiful. 9.visit v 参观 visitor 游客 I was tired after the tiring trip. 10. tire 使…疲惫 tired adj 疲倦的 修饰人 tiring 作定语和表语 修饰物 Many visitors visit The Great Wall every year. 11.stay v 停留 stayed stay at home 待在家里 stay up late to do sth 熬夜做某事 I stayed up late last night. He stayed up lated to watch soccer games yesterday evening. It's bad for hour health to stay up late. 12.away 离开 adv run away 跑开 go away 走开 take away 拿开 He went away at the age of 13. 具体数字+away from A 离A具体有多远 The place is 10 miles away from here. The place is very far from here. 13. mouse 复数 mice 14. baby 复数 babies There are many mice in the old house. My uncle has two babies. 15. shout 叫喊 shout at 吼叫 无礼 shout to 呼叫 提高声音 Don't shout at old people. She shouted to me to come over. 16. language 语言 a second language 又一种语言 Mary can speak three languages. What language can you speak 17.fly 飞 flies —flew fly to …= go to … by plane He often flies to Shanghai. He goes to Shanghai by plane. 18. fly a kite 放风筝 It was windy yesterday, we flwe a kite in the park. 19.high 高的 海拔高度或离地高度 tall 用来形容人. 树木. 动物 修饰价格 高 high 低 low high school 高中 The mountain is very high. 20. ago adv 以前 two weeks ago three days ago 21. India 印度 Indian 印度人 They are from India, they are Indians. 22. put up 搭起 put up 举起 put it/ them up They're putting up a tent. 23.surpris v&n 惊讶 使惊讶 to do sth be surprised at sth. that 从句 get a (big) surprise 一个大惊喜 to one's surprise 使某人惊讶的是 in surprise 惊奇地 放在句尾 { surprising 修饰物 surprised 修饰人 H ... ...

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