
Unit 1 How tall are you 能力培优练(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:48次 大小:421200Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 1 How tall are you 能力培优练 一.情景交际。 (一)根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有一项是多余的。 A.How heavy is it B.It's taller. C.How long is it D. It’s much heavier than us.E. How tall is it F. Who is taller A:Look at that dinosaur.It' s so big! B: Cool! What do know about the dinosaur A:Yes.That one eats vegetables. This one eats meat.1._____ B:Yes.2._____ A:Maybe 4 metres. B:Wow! It's taller than both of us together. A: Look, this dinosaur isn't tall! I' m taller than this one. B: I' m taller than this one too. 3._____ A: It’s 100 kilograms.4._____ B: 5._____ A: Look, It’s the longest. It’s 27 metres. B:Wow,it’s so long. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5._____ (二)读对话,选择合适的选项,补全对话,填序号,有一个多余选项。 A: Hi, Miss Li! 1._____ B: Hi, Miss Ma. I’m going to the sweet shop. A: What do you want to buy B:2._____ A:3._____ B: It’s for my grandson. A: Oh.4._____ B: Yes.5._____ a.Eating too many sweets is bad for his teeth. b.Who is it for c.My grandson should have a healthy diet. d.I want to buy a lollipop. e.I am going to buy a lollipop. f.Where are you going (三)根据情景重新排列下列句子的正确顺序。 ( )I’m nine years old. ( )Hi, I will have a birthday next week. ( 2 )How old are you ( )You are older than me. ( )How old are you ( )Please come to my party. ( )I’m one year younger than you. ( )Yes. ( )OK. ( )You are 8. 二. 完形填空。 Hello. I’m Sarah.I have two friends--Chen Jie and Amy. Chen Jie is 1. than me. I'm 2. than Amy. Amy is 3. than us, but she is 4. than us. She's 50 kg. Chen Jie is 48 kg. And I'm 5. of all. I'm only 45 kg.Chen Jie has long hair and big eyes. Amy has short hair.I have 6. hair, too, but I don't have big eyes. I like them very much. ( )1. A. younger B.youngest C.oldest ( )2. A.old B.oldest C.older ( )3. A.short B.shorter C. longer ( )4. A.heavyer B.heavy C.heavier ( )5. A.thinnest B.thinner C. thin ( )6. A. shorter B.long C. tall 三.阅读理解。根据所给信息,判断正(T)误(F)。 Name Age Height Weight Zhang Peng 8 1.65 metres 50 kg Mike six 1.60 metres 48 kg Chen Jie seven 1.61 metres 41 kg Sarah 8 1.59 metres 43 kg Amy 6 1.55 metres 40 kg ( )1.Chen Jie is older than Zhang Peng. ( )2.Mike is taller than Chen Jie. ( )3.Sarah is heavier than Chen Jie. ( )4.Amy is younger than Chen Jie. ( )5.Zhang Peng is shorter than Sarah. 四.书面表达。 请作一下自我介绍,写一篇40—50词的短文。 1. 运用比较级。 2.身高,体重等。 要求:结构完整,条理清晰,语言通顺。 Hello! I'm XX. _____ _____ 参考答案: Unit 1 How tall are you 能力培优练 一.情景交际。 (一)根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有一项是多余的。1-5BEADC (二)1.f 2.d 3.b 4.a 5.c 【导语】本文是李小姐和马小姐关于去干什么以及健康饮食的对话。 1.下句说:我要去糖果店。可知这句话问对方要去哪里,选项f“你要去哪里?”符合语境,故选f。 2.上句说:你想买什么?可知这句话要回答买什么,选项d“我想买一根棒棒糖。”符合语境,故选d。 3.下句说:它是给我孙子的。可知这句话问它是给谁的,选项b“它是给谁的?” ... ...

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