
外研版(2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought Developing ideas Writing 说课课件(共17张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:33次 大小:18219962Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Food for thought 说课 学情分析 教学内容分析 04 教学目标 05 教学重难点 03 设计思想 06 教学流程 02 01 03 学情分析 本单元的主题语境是人与社会,涉及的主题语境内容是多元饮食文化和健康的饮食习惯,学生对于这一话题非常感兴趣。但是高一学生还未熟练掌握写作技巧,词汇和语法基础比较薄弱,在写作过程中会产生障碍。 教学内容分析 写作部分的主要教学目标是引导学生学会学会写菜谱,如果学生学有余力,可以在写菜谱时加入对美食本身的介绍和推荐教师应引导学生注意。再介绍一道菜的时候要有描述性的语言讲述,其起源,口味等主要特点,切菜谱时要用说明性语言,注重实用性,简洁清晰其中做法指导部分用祈使句。 设计思想 围绕“英语学习活动观”组织和实施单元教学,聚焦于单元主题核心内容。 教学目标 在本课结束时,学生能够:1. 对本单元的词汇进行分类,提高背单词的效率;2. 用英文写简单的菜谱,并推荐一道美食;3. 深化对单元主题意义的理解与挖掘,反思和改进自己的饮食和生活习惯;4. 在自主合作与探究式学习的过程中,监控评价和调整学习进程,提高理解和表达的水平。 Review & Writing Draw a word map of unit 1. Names of different foods Words that describe flavors Ways of cooking Gong Bao Chicken symbolizes abundant offspring (多子多孙)and a long and prosperous(繁荣兴旺的) life. To westerners Gong Bao Chicken is an iconic(标志性的) and beloved Chinese dish. Writing a recipe Read the food blog and answer the questions. What is the origin of Gong Bao Chicken What are the two main parts of a recipe How do you cook Gong Bao Chicken Describe the process in your own words. Gong Bao Chicken was originally a family dish of Ding Baozhen,or Ding Gongbao,a high-ranking court official of the Qing Dynasty. The two main parts of a recipe are the ingredients and the instructions. Brief introduction ( history/origin taste/ flavor popularity/ comments) Ingredients Instructions The combination of ... flavours makes ... hard to resist. Nobody can resist the temptation (诱惑) of ... . What’s more,it is easy to make and can be adapted to individual tastes. Sentence patterns: Instructions 1 Heat the oil over a high heat. 2 When the oil is hot,add the chillies and stir them for about 30 seconds. 3 Add the spring onions and stir them for about 30 seconds. 4 Add the chicken and cook it through. 5 Add the soy sauce,vinegar and sugar. 6 Add the peanuts and dried tofu and cook for another 1 to 2 minutes. 7 Season with salt and serve. add salt, pepper, etc. to food to give it more flavour 煮 焖/炖/用文火煮 煎 炒 炸 烤 烘烤 蒸 boil stew braise fry stir-fry deep-fry/roast bake steam 辣椒 生姜 葱 蒜 酱油 醋 豆瓣酱 蚝油 花椒 孜然粉 chili ginger spring onion garlic soy sauce vinegar bean paste oyster sauce Chinese prickly ash cumin powder Think of your favourite dish and complete the recipe. Create your own recipe. Homework 假如你是李华,你校组织了“美食推荐官”活动,向外国友人介绍家乡的当地美食,请你选择自己最喜欢的一样特色美食进行介绍。 ... ...

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