

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:70次 大小:26132Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Ⅰ. Greeting(打招呼) Hello/ Hi, boys and girls/ everybody/ class/ teacher. 大家好! Good morning /afternoon. 早上/下午好! How are you (today)?今天过得怎么样? Ⅱ. Checking attendance(考勤) Who's on duty today 今天谁值日? What day is it today 今天星期几? What’s the date today 今天几号了? Is anyone / anybody absent 有人缺席吗? Is everyone / everybody here?都到齐了吗? Who's absent / who’s away/ who’s not here today 谁没到? Where is he / she?去哪了? What happened to Mary/ him/ her 玛丽/她/他出什么事/怎么了? I'm sorry I'm late. /Excuse me for coming late. 对不起,我迟到了。 May I come in 可以进来吗? Come in, please. 进来吧。 Why are you late 为什么迟到了? Did you miss the bus 没搭上车吗? Was the traffic bad 交通堵塞? Speak louder/ louder, please. 请大声点。 Don't be late next time. / Come earlier next time.下次早点来。 Go back to your seat, / take your seat, please. 回你座位上去。 Quickly/ be quick, please.// Hurry. / Hurry up. 赶紧的、快点。 Is everybody ready for class 做好上课的准备了吗?准备好了吗 Shall we start / Can we begin now 可以开始了吗? It’s time for class. / Let’s get ready for class. Let's get ready for class. 我们开始上课。 Ⅲ. Begin a class(开始一节课) Class begins. /Let’s begin our class/ lesson. / Let’s start now. 上课。 Stand up, /sit down, please. 起立,坐下。 First, let's review / do some review/ let's have a revision. 首先,我们来做一下复习。 What did we learn last time /Who can tell me what we did yesterday 谁能告诉我我们上节课学了什么? Take out a piece of paper/ your notebook/ exercise book, let’s have a dictation. 拿出一张纸,我们来听写一下。 Open your book, let’s turn to Page 12& check it.打开书翻到12页,自己检查一下。 Today, we're going to have a new lesson/ do something new/ different. 今天我们打算讲一些新的内容。 Now we’ll learn something new. / Let’s begin a new lesson. 现在我们就来学习新的知识。 First, let’s learn some new words / sentences. 首先,让我们来学习一些新的单词和句子。 Ⅳ. Teaching in the classroom.(课堂) Now, close/ open your book. 现在,把你的书打开,合上。 Don’t open your book. 不要翻书。 Look at the blackboard. 看着黑板 The first time, just listen. Don’t repeat. 第一遍只听就好。 Now, listen and repeat. 这一遍,听并且跟读。 Listen (to me) carefully and do what I do. 认真听并且跟我学。 Listen to the tape recorder carefully. 仔细听录音。 Look at my mouth, please. 看我的口型。 Say it together. / (Read) all together now. 大家一起读。 How to spell this word “flower” 怎样拼写花这个单词? What can you learn from this picture 从这幅图片中,你学到了什么? Can you spell the word… 你会拼写这个词吗? Spell the word...., please 请拼写一下这个词… Who wants to try / Who wants to have try 谁想试一下? Look at this picture/ blackboard/ map/ slide carefully and tell me what you see. 仔细看图片,黑板,地图,屏幕,然后告诉我你看到了什么? What do you call this in English / What’s this in English 这个用英语怎么说? Please answer my question. 请回答我的问题。 What does…mean …是什么意思 ... ...

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