
人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle 单词变形及其短语 清单素材

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:86次 大小:23446Byte 来源:二一课件通
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1.make one’s own decisions 某人自己做决定 2.independent adj. 独立的,自立的,自力更生的,自治的 independence n.独立性,自立性,自主 dependent adj. 依赖的,依靠的,有瘾的 dependence n.依赖,依靠,信任,信赖 rely on 依赖 3.become involved in 使卷入/陷入 4.tobacco or alcohol abuse 吸烟成瘾或酗酒 abuse v.滥用;虐待;辱骂 ( 滥用药物 虐待儿童 滥用权力 ) n.滥用;虐待;辱骂 drug abuse _____ child abuse _____ abuse one’s power _____ physical/body and mental/mind health problems身心健康题 dominate a teenager's life主宰青少年的生活 make appropriate changes做恰当的改变 repeat v 重复 repeatedly adv.(=over and over again)不断地,重复 repeated adj.反复的 the sum of 总和 modern psychology 现代心理学 psychology n.心理学 psychological a.心理上的;精神上的 habit cycles 习惯周期 cue v.&n.暗示,提示,信号clue /signal act as a signal to do sth 13.(文中) take的相关短语 take action to ...采取行动 (take the regular action to the cue)(Para3) take steps 采取措施... (take many small steps)(Para6) take measures 采取措施...设法,着手... (take some measures to do sth) 14. respond v.回复 response n.回复 in response to 回答回复 make no response to对...没有回复 be likely to do something 有可能做某事 facilitate v. 促进,促使,使便利=promote positive adj.积极的 negative adj.消极的 optimistic 乐观的 pessimistic 悲观的 examine v.检查=check examination n.检查;考试 combine …with… 与..相结合 rather than 而不是 other than 除了 aside from 除了 ride the escalator 乘坐电梯(自动扶梯) lift n.电梯(升降) take a lift 乘坐电梯,搭便车 straight away=at once 立刻 a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step 千里之行始于足下 discipline n. 纪律,自制力,自律能力 disciplined adj. 训练有素的遵守纪律的 after all 毕竟,终究 magic pill n.后悔药 magic n. 魔法,魔术,魔力 magical adj. 魔法的 ,神奇的 magician n. 魔术师 delete button/key 删除键 power n.权力;能力;职权;电; powerful adj.有力量的,强有力的,有权势的,有影响力的 We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.每天反复做的事情造就了我们,然后你会发现,优秀不是一种行为,而是一种习惯。 Habit is second nature.习惯成自然 32.It is + adj. + for sb.to do sth. It is + adj. + of sb. to do sth. It is + n. + (for sb.) to do sth It takes/took/will take sb. some time/money to do sth.花费某人...时间/金钱去做某事 33.attend summer camp参加夏令营took part in参加 34.hardly 几乎不 35.either ... or 要么...要么neither...nor 既不...也不 36.lack passion缺乏热情 37.At the end of在……结束时 38.stimulated my motivation激发我的动力 39.made up my mind to do sth.下定决心做某事 decide to do sth 40.exercise regularly定期锻炼 41.stop buying sugary drinks含糖饮料 42.at least至少 43.feel more dynamic感到精力充沛 44.sleep soundly酣然入睡 45.suffer from a flu virus 感染流感病毒 46.in control of掌控take control of 47.within my own power力所能及的 48.affect my whole life影响我的一生 49.stress out压力 stress n.压力;紧张;重音;强调 v强调,着重;重读;(使)焦虑不安 stressful adj.(事物)压力重的,紧张的 stressed adj.(人)焦虑不安的 50.day and night 日 ... ...

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