
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3 The Internet Listening and Speaking 导学案(无 答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:66次 大小:34729Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Book 2 Unit 3 Listening and speaking ———Ask about online habits导学案 Preview预习(按要求完成练习) blog n. _____ 2. post n. _____ 3. chat v. _____ n. _____ 4. stream n. _____ v. _____ 5. survey n. _____ v. _____ 课堂学习内容:Listening and Speaking— Ask about online habits Learning aims: 1. Say out some online activities that you like to do when you are online. 2. Learn how to make definitions with the words like “it’s like”, “that is”, “for example” or attributive clause. 3. Learn the listening skills of getting the information about the time spent online, online activities and reasons for using the Internet. Have the right habits of searching the Internet. Step 1 Activation - Watch a video clip and tell what is the Internet Q: What is the Internet The Internet is the computer network which allows computer users to connect with computers all over the world. Q: What do you usually do with the Internet Draw a mind-map of the usage of the Internet. Lexical chunks: 1.write a blog post _____ 2.use a search engine _____ 3.chat online _____ 4. stream movies and music _____ Step 2: Activity 1 -Listen to the dialogue and complete the chart. ( Textbook P26 Ex. 2 ) Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks. Tape script: ( 空格不止填一词 ) Sam: Hi, guys! I'd like to ask you _____ about your _____. First, how much time do you _____ every day Anna: It depends. I'd say _____. Sam: How about you, Paul Paul: Oh. maybe _____. Sometimes _____. What about you, Joe Joe: Well, I think I spend _____every day. Sam: What do you usually _____, Joe Joe: I have _____. It's like an _____ where you _____ you're _____ in. For example, I like basketball, so I write a lot _____ about my _____. It's fun. Anna: I like to _____. That is, I _____ and _____. It's _____ and _____. Sometimes I _____, too. With the Internet, I can also _____ my friends anytime, anywhere. Paul: I usually use a _____ to do my _____, A search engine is _____that _____ what you're _____, With it, I can _____, _____, and _____ that I need for my _____. It's so _____. Sam: Great. It seems like you all use the Internet _____. So what do you think life would be like _____. Joe: No Internet ! Are you kidding Life would be _____! Complete the chart in Ex. 2 on P 26. 听力文本词汇: do a survey on online habits_____ at least _____ Online diary _____ on my blog _____ blogger n. _____ look up information _____ chat with my friends _____ chat v. _____ p.f. _____ p.p. _____ _____聊天 phr. _____聊天 helpful adj. _____ _____ adj. 无助的、无能力的 句式: It depends. _____ It seems like _____ A blog is like an online diary where you write about something you’re interested in. 分析:where 引导_____ 从句,先行词是_____,在从句中充当_____。 Step 3: Activity 2—Listen again and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. ( Textbook P26 Ex. 3 ) Step 4: Activity 3—Look at Ex. 2 again. How are the words in intalics defined Write them in the correct brackets. ( Textbook P27 Ex. 4 ) How to make definitions of a ... ...

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