
人教PEP版英语六年级下册 Unit 1-4单元书面表达讲义+练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学教案 查看:52次 大小:318706Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 书面表达专项 一、主题范文 My friends Amy and Nick are my friends. Amy is 11 years old. Nick is one year older than her. He is 12. Amy is 1.62metres.And she is 55 kilograms. Nick is 1.66 metres. And he is 52 kilograms. Amy is shorter. But she is heavier than John. Amy likes swimming. John likes swimming,too. They often go swimming on the weekend. 二、要点提示 本单元主要学习形容词的比较级以及如何运用比较级描述人的年龄、身高和体重等。 三、参考句型 Name: .... is my friends. Her/His name is.... Age: He/She is …(years old). Height: He/She is .... metres. He/She is taller/shorter than … Weight: He/She is .... kilograms. He/She is heavier/thinner than …Hobbies: He/She likes … Others: His/Her shoes are size … His/Her feet are bigger/smaller than.... He/She often ..... with ..... 四、实战练习:下面是Sarah和她的弟弟Sam的信息。请根据信息写一篇短文。 要求:1.运用比较级句型;2.不少于40词。 Name Age Height Weight Shoes Sarah 10 1.4 m 40 kg size 36 Sam 8 1.2 m 27 kg size 33 参考答案: Me and my little brother Hi,I'm Sarah. I'm 10 years old. I'm 1.4 meters tall.I'm 40 kilograms. My shoes are size36. I have a little brother. His name is Sam. He is two years younger than me.He is 1.2 meters tall.He is 27 kilograms. I’m taller and stronger than him.He likes playing football. I like swimming. I love my little brother. Unit 2书面表达专项 一、主题范文 Last weekend I had a busy weekend.I got up early on Saturday morning. Then I made my bed and cleaned my room. Before lunch, I washed my clothes.On Saturday afternoon I did my homework and watched a children’s show on TV. Then I had a big dinner with my parents in the evening. On Sunday morning I visited my grandparents and had lunch with them. After lunch,we went to the park. We went boating together there. I was tired but I had a good time, 二、要点提示 本单元主要学习过去式和动词过去式。 三、参考句型 时间:主语+had a busy +时间. 主语+was busy +时间. 活动:主语+动词过去式(+ with 某人)(+地点). 感受:主语+was/were tired but 主语+ was/were happy. 主语+had a happy time. 四、实战练习: 假设Tim是你的好朋友,请根据以下信息,介绍他上个周末的活动情况。 要求:1.行文通顺、连贯;3.不少于40个单词。 Saturday Sunday Feeling washed his clothes went to the park did his homework went fishing cleaned his room visited his grandparents played football watched TV tired happy 参考答案: Tim’s weekend Tim is my best time. He had a busy weekend. On Saturday morning, he washed his clothes and went to the park with his parents. After lunch, he did his homework and went fishing with me and Mike. On Sunday morning, he cleaned his room and visited his grandparents. Then he had lunch with them. On Sunday afternoon, he played football on the playground and watched TV at home. Tim was very tired,but he had a good time. Unit 3 书面表达专项 一、主题范文 My holiday I took a trip with my grandparents during the summer holiday. We went to Beijing by train. Beijing is big and beautiful. We visited the Palace Museum and the ... ...

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