
人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Environmental Protection Using Language 课件(共18张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:81次 大小:37264945Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) coal /k l/ 煤 emit /i m t/ 发出;散发 gases / ɡ s z/ 煤气;汽油;气体 fossil fuels 化石燃料 greenhouse effect 温室效应 be harmful to 对...有害 foggy 有雾的 smoky 烟雾弥漫的 power station 发电厂 候课读 Where does air pollution come from Unit 3 Using Language I talk about air pollution What information can you get form these pictures The power stations are emitting gases. A smoky day in River Thames. the burning coal They all look very _____. How do these situations influence people’s life These situations influence people’s life not only by providing electricity, but also by polluting the air they breathe. Topic: _____ _____ Britain was one of the first _____countries and factories and homes used lots of coal. _____ Smog caused many health issues and _____many people. _____ The UK government ordered people not to burn coal in their homes and _____factories to move away from city centres. We have to _____smog and improveair quality;We should_____coal with cleaner forms of energy; we need to use new _____vehicles; We have the technology, but we must use and developit. industrial killed forced solutions impacts causes smog reduce replace energy-efficient Listening for the structure &details Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). 1. Smog became a severe problem in Britain because people at that time burnt lots of fossil fuels ____ 2. The worst smog in British history happened in London in 1942. ____ 3. Later, the UK government ordered people not to burn wood in their homes. ____ T F F 2. The worst smog in British history happened in London in 1942. ___ 3. Later, the UK government ordered people not to burn wood in their homes. ___ F F 1952 coal Listening for the words 1. The expression “smog” originated in Britain and means a combination of “smoke” and “fog”. 2. The Great Smog of London claimed 4,000 lives. 3. When burnt, the coal produced harmful emissions which created lots of smog.In London, they also called the smog a"pea soup". come from kill; cause death It’s very thick Ben Drake, an expert on air pollution, is being interviewed on the radio. He said that smog was a severe problem in the _____century in Britain. At that time, Britain was experiencing a boom in _____. Factories and homes used lots of coal, which created smog. He also mentioned the heavy smog in London was particularly bad and caused _____ in 1952.Later the UK government _____ burning coal in homes and forced factories to move away from city centers. As smog is harmful to everyone, the expert advised us to seek for new forms of energy, and further develop _____. Listening for the summary Ben Drake, an expert on air pollution, is being interviewed on the radio. He said that smog was a severe problem in the _____century in Britain. At that time, Britain was experiencing a boom in _____. industry Listening for the summary early 20th Factories and homes used lots of coal, which created smog. He ... ...

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