
牛津译林版(2020)必修第三册 Unit 1 Nature in the balance Welcome to the unit & Reading 课件(共19张PPT)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:39次 大小:9086633Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Welcome to the unit & Reading (I) Unit 1 Nature in the balance Lead-in Let us not, however, flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over nature. For each such victory nature takes its revenge on us. —Fredrich Engels 但是我们不要过分陶醉于我们人类对自然界的胜利。对于每一次这样的胜利,自然界都对我们进行报复。 Welcome to the unit Listen to the song! Welcome to the unit 1.What is the message(要旨) of the song Humans have done much harm to the Earth, and we have to take action to change this situation. Find out the wrong behavior in the picture. noise pollution heavy smoke clear-cut logging smoking shooting birds littering on the ground wasting water letting off off-gas pouring out waste water 排放废水 littering into the water 往水里丢垃圾 清场伐木 排放尾气 随地乱扔 2. What can you do to protect the environment Save water Clean energy Plant more trees Environmental transportation Forbid people to cut down trees Welcome to the unit The Amazon rainforest: a natural treasure 1. What does the passage mainly talk about 2. What is the genre of the article The Amazon rainforest Exposition Pre-reading Passage Structure Analysis Introduction Basic information Different levels Food chain Human impact Para. 1: Introduction to the Amazon rainforest Para. 2: Basic information about the rainforest Para. 3: _____ Para. 4: _____ Para. 5: _____ Plant biodiversity; levels of the rainforest Animal biodiversity; food chain The rainforest’s value to the human race; threats to the rainforest Complete part A1 on page 4 with the main idea of each paragraph. Fast reading Fast reading Read the documentary script again carefully and fill in the blanks with the figures. Fast reading 6,400 6 million 8 17% 20% 400 40,000 1,300 Detailed reading Read para. 3 and figure out different layers of the forest. a system of roots the mass of leaf litter shorter plants with large leaves towering ancient hardwoods the tops of the tallest trees Jaguars Insects At least 87 species, including frogs Leaves and fruit Microorganisms feed on break down feed on feed on Detailed reading Read para. 4 and figure out the food chain of a jaguar. In pairs, discuss the following questions. 1. What makes the Amazon rainforest a natural treasure according to the script 2. What is your answer to the question at the end of the script Support your opinion with information from the script or other sources. 1. What makes the Amazon rainforest a natural treasure according to the script The Amazon rainforest is unique, beautiful and valuable. It contains 10% of all known species on the Earth. It produces over 20% of the planet's oxygen. Its wonderful plant and animal species have enabled humans to make amazing discoveries. 2. What is your answer to the question at the end of the script Support your opinion with information from the script or other sources. No. The Amazon rainforest is far too important for us to allow it to be de ... ...

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