
人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle 语言预习任务单

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:88次 大小:24345Byte 来源:二一课件通
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B6 Unit 2 Healthy Lifestyle I. Word Formation 1. alcohol adj. _____ 2. dominate n. _____ 3. repeat adv. _____ 4. respond n. _____ 5. psychology adj. _____ adv. _____ 6. reward adj. _____ 7. liberate n. _____ 8. rely adj. _____ n. _____ 9. pessimistic n. _____(悲观主义) _____(悲观主义者) ant. _____ 10. delete n. _____ 11. compose n. _____ 12. disturb adj. _____/_____ n. _____ 13. consult n. _____(咨询)/_____(顾问) 14. dizzy n. _____ 15. dentist adj. _____(牙齿的) 16. sugar adj. _____ 17. dynamic adv. _____ 18. absorb n. _____ edy adj. _____ n. _____ 20. refresh adj. _____/ _____ n. _____ II. Useful Expressions P14 1. 养成/创建/审视/打破/坏习惯 form /create/ examine/break the bad habits 2. 参与,融入;卷入;涉及 become involved in 3. 导致身心健康问题 lead to physical and mental health problems 4. 防止此类坏习惯主宰青少年的生活 prevent harmful habits from dominating a teenager’s life 5. 作出适当的改变 make appropriate changes 6. 充当行动的信号 act as a signal to do something 7. 为了回应信号 in response to the cue P15 8. 依赖不健康零食 rely on unhealthy snacks 9. 促使不良习惯朝着积极方向转变 facilitate a positive change in our bad habits 10.以更积极的东西来取代消极的常规 replace a negative routine with something more positive 11. 除了 aside from 12. 展示自控力 show some discipline 13. 决定做些改变 decide on some change P16 14. 由……组成 be composed of P20 15. 参加夏令营 attend a summer camp 16. 激发我的动机 stimulate my motivation 17. 晚上睡得香 sleep sound at night 18. 承受流感或者牙痛之苦 suffer from a flu virus or toothache 19. 掌控我自己的生活 be in control of my own life 20. 力所能及的 within my own power 21. 调整我的生活方式 adjust my lifestyle 22. 感到累坏了 feel stressed out 23. 对…沉迷 get so absorbed 24. 不和朋友玩网络游戏非常痛苦 a struggle not to join my friends in playing online games 25. 提高我的生活质量 enhance the quality of my life 26. 重新焕发活力 get refreshed III. Sentence appreciation 改变不良习惯从来不是一件容易的事情,即使你三番五次地尝试。(不定式作主语) _____ 这些坏习惯,如果未加抑制的话,等他们成人时有可能变得更严重。(省略句) _____ 好消息是如果我们知道习惯如何运作,我们就能够改变。(表语从句) _____ 正如中国哲学家老子所说:“千里之行始于足下”。(As 引导的非限制性定语从句) _____ 经过六个月新的放松方法的尝试,我感到身体和精神都比以前更富活力, 更加强健。 _____ _____ IV. Using language Topic:许多青少年在课余时间以玩网络游戏打发时间和减压,一部分人由于沉迷于游戏中无法自拔,导致身心健康受损,请你以学生会主席的身份向全校学生发出“远离网络游戏,倡导绿色生活”的倡议。内容包括: 1、介绍现状 2、如何远离网络游戏 3、发出倡议 word bank game addict get addicted to/be mad for get so absorbed in… that… dominate a teenager’s life affect one’s whole life feel sleepy and dizzy/worn out lack passion break the bad habit make wise choices adjust one’s lifestyle enhance the quality of our life try out new ways of relaxing be in control of/take control of change oneself for the better A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. ... ...

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