
外研版(2019)必修第一册Unit 1 A New Start 单词讲义素材

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:35次 大小:1231224Byte 来源:二一课件通
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必修2 Unit 1 ① 一.“interesting”のpart kind = sort = type==>a. typical sort /s rt/ n. 种类 v. 分类 > Could you sort out the toys that can be thrown away type /ta p/ n. 种类;具有某种特征的人;典型 typical / t p kl/ a. 典型的;有代表性的 > Judy is a typical American teenager. suffer==>n. _____ suffer / s f r/ v. 遭受;受苦/受难 > Increasing numbers of children are suffering _____ mental health problems. horrible /'h r b( )l/ a. 可怕的 【谐音:“好若包”==>一个人脸上莫名其妙长了好若个包==>“可怕的”】 together==>gather together /t ɡe r/ ad. 在一起;共同 【词解:= to(到) + gather(聚集)==>去聚集==>“在一起/共同”】 gather / ɡ r/ v. 聚集 > They were all gathered round the TV. symbol /'s mb( )l/ n. 象征;符号 【谐音:“新包”==>女人身份的“象征”】 relationship PK relation==>v. relate relationship /r 'le ( )n p/ n. (人/团体之间)关系,联系(感彩) > The relationship between her and me is just friends. relation /r 'le ( )n/ n. 关系,联系 > the relation between rainfall and crop(庄稼) yields(产量). relate /r 'le t/ v. 联系;使有联系/把…联系起来 > From the perspective of many parents, bad scores is only related to laziness. add==>n. addition==>n. addict==>a1. _____ / a2. _____ add / d/ v. 加;增添;补充道 > When is it the proper time to add salt _____ the water addict /' d kt/ n. 瘾君子 v. 使上瘾 【词源:add(加) + -ict==>“瘾君子;使上瘾”】 【联想:一个(a)弟弟(dd)爱(i)吃(c)糖(t)==>“上瘾”】 > a gambling/social media addict赌博/社交媒体迷 addiction / d k n/ n. 瘾 (~ to sth/doing sth) >He is now fighting his addiction _____ alcohol. addicted / d kt d/ a. 上瘾的,入迷的(~ to sth/doing sth) >Many children are addicted to games now. addictive / d kt v/ a. 使人上瘾的,使人入迷的 customs PK custom PK customer custom / k st m/ n. 风俗,习俗;习惯 customs / k st mz/ n. 海关;关税 customer / k st m r/ n. 顾客 【词源:古希腊雅典是欧洲贸易中心之一。商业系统十分发达,很多外界商人们到雅典去做生意赚钱。但当中有人只赚钱不消费,赚完钱就走,这一定程度上影响了雅典本地财政收入,所以后来雅典城邦决定专门在城邦门口设立一个岗,一旦有外界的商人要进去,经过这个岗的时候,就要先交一笔钱,否则不得入内。久而久之,进入雅典做生意的商人到门口就养成了交钱的习惯(custom),而习惯交钱这个岗就成了customs。进去里面的人则成了customer。】 download / upload==>load /l d/ v. 加载;装载 > They load all their equipment into backpacks. bitter==>bittersweet bitter / b t r/ a. (食物等)味苦的;痛苦/愤恨的 【谐音:“逼ta”==右图。想想小时候你不想吃药,你爸妈逼你吃药的场景】 > Having lost the competition, she cried bitterly. bittersweet / b t r swi t/ a. 苦乐参半的;又苦又甜的 > bittersweet memories悲喜交集的回忆 a bit ==>bite /ba t/ v./n. 咬 【联想:吃(bite)一点(a bit)吧】 > Let’s have a bite / grab a bite.我们一起去吃点东西吧!【口语高频用法】 bake /beik/ v. 烘焙 【联想:烘焙的“焙”】 apt==>adapt apt / pt/ a. 适当的,恰当的 【谐音:安(a)排(p)他(t)==>这个工作适合他,“安排他”==>“合适的”】 > No one could be more apt for this job than me. adapt / d pt/ v. 适应(新情况);改编/改写 【词解:= ad-(=add ... ...

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