

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:24次 大小:31632Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2021—2022学年高一下学期十三中期中英语试卷 第二部分 阅读理解(共两节满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A United World Colleges (UWC) is a global education movement. UWC consists of 18 international schools and colleges on four continents. All of them provide a two-year pre-university education for students aged between 13 and 19. The academic curriculum in these final two years of secondary school is the IBDP. There are two main ways that you can apply to join the program: ■ Through the UWC national committee in your country of residence(居住)or citizenship. The national committee system is a unique network of over 3,000 volunteers working in more than 158 countries to select students for the IBDP at UWC. The individuals include UWC alumni (), parents of alumni, education professionals, and community leaders who have embraced UWC’s mission and values. ■ Through the UWC Global Selection Program (GSP). It is designed for candidates who would like to apply nine to twelve months before the beginning of the school year, which usually begins in August. Please note that you may not apply through two different UWC national committees or through a UWC national committee and the UWC Global Selection Program at the same time. Choosing your application route to study the IBDP at UWC for 2023-2025 National committee selections UWC Global Selection Program When are positions offered to successful applicants January—April 2023 Within two weeks of attending a Global Selection Weekend Is the number of positions available limited Yes Yes Are scholarship available 65% of students (based on their needs and financial assessment) No Am I able to apply for a particular UWC school or college No (applicants may, however, list their preferences) Yes (most applicants choose at least four campuses) Can I apply in a language other than English In most cases, yes No How can I apply The application process varies. It generally includes: a written application, an essay, a series of interviews conducted in person or online, group activities, community service, an exam and a weekend camp. 21. What can we learn about UWC according to the passage A. It enlists only English-speaking natives. B. It has campus on every continent of the world. C. It offers a pre-university program to teenage students. D. It selects potential students with the help of its own staff. 22. If Emily plans to study the IBDP at UWC in the 2023 school year, she has to A. have parents of alumni with professional education B. make a full assessment of her financial situation C. send on the application before Dec. 2022 through the GSP D. attend a face-to-face interview with community leaders 23. Where are the two application routes to study the IBDP mainly different ① when the new school year begins ② when the result from admissions is released ③ whether the applicant can win a scholarship to the program ④ whether the appli ... ...

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