
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 5 Music Reading for Writing 导学案(含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:47次 大小:39557Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高一英语导学案 Book II Unit 5 Reading for writing I. Read the text carefully and choose the best answer. 1. The following statements are all true to Sarah Williams EXCEPT that_____. A. listening to music helped her recover B. she had a disease which was easy to cure C. she fell in love with the song “Happy” D. she thought she didn't have much longer to live 2.Why does Sarah Williams think what Logan said is true A. Because she thinks music is a medicine. B. Because music can help prevent disease. C. Because music works better than drugs. D.Because music brought her relief and encouragement. 3. Which of the following isn’t the result that music brought to Sarah Williams A. Happiness. B. Strength. C. stress. D.Satisfaction. II. Translate the following phrases into English 1. 与…分享… _____ 2. 对…有影响 _____ 3. 总是;一直 _____ 4. 一天 _____ 5. 度过;熬过_____ 6. 从那时起_____ 7. 心灵良药 _____ 8. 满足感 _____ 9. 同时 _____ 10. 当然_____ III. Finish the following sentences according to the Chinese meaning. 1. _____ (很荣幸) to be here and to _____ (与您分享) the story of (音乐是怎样影响我的人生的). 2. _____ (两年前,我被告知得了一种难以治愈的严重的疾病。) 3. _____(我感到非常孤独沮丧。) 4. Music gave me _____ (strong) and brought me _____ (relive). 5. _____ (音乐给我希望和满足感) 6. _____(同时), we all _____ (经历不同时期) when we feel sad or lonely. 7. During those times, music can help you _____(以它帮助过我的同样的方式). IV.语篇填空 Song Qingling, 1_____(bear) on 27th January 1893 in Shanghai,one of the greatest 2_____(leader) of China, was a well known stateswoman.When she was young,she was much 3_____(concern) about the future of China.Later she took part 4_____ many activities to fight for the freedom of Chinese people. After the 5_____ (found) of the PRC,she was 6_____(complete) devoted to the 7._____(develop) of new China and played an important part in many activities. On 8th May 1981,she died in Beijing at the age of 88,8.which brought great sorrow to the Chinese people.9_____(honor) as one of the greatest women of the 20th century,she 10_____(remember) by the Chinese people forever. V.短文写作:演讲稿 【框架结构】: 1.称呼语: Ladies and gentlemen, /Boys and girls,/ Honorable Judges, / Good afternoon, everyone等。 2.中间部分: ①明确演讲主题: My name is …. It's an honour to be here to deliver a speech . My topic today is … ②分析问题,展开论述: Have you got...that touches your heart 你有过……触动了你的内心吗 I want to remind... 我想提醒…… ③提出解决方法或期待。A I wish you the best of luck in... 我祝你……好运/Words can't express... 言语表达不了……/ I sincerely hope... 我衷心地希望…… 3.结尾:要简洁,常用:That’s all. Thank you for your listening. 实战演练:(一) 假如你是高一的学生李华,你校要举办一次英语演讲比赛,主题是“我的梦想”。你打算参加比赛,要求写一篇演讲稿,演讲稿包括以下内容: 1.不同的人的梦想:成为科学家、宇航员、富有的人; 2.我的梦想:成为一个能自食其力,有责任感的、懂得感恩的人…… 注意:1.词数80左右 ... ...

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