
2024年江苏中考英语专题突破 03完形填空(含解析)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:37次 大小:36761Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2024年江苏中考英语专题突破:03完形填空 In the middle of the forest, a battle(战斗)was going on between two armies. One army didn’t have as many soldiers as the other. The General(将军)of the small army decided to 1 as he was confident that they could win the battle. 2 , he called his Lieutenant(副官)and told him to get soldiers ready for the fight. The Lieutenant called all the soldiers and told them about the plan. Soldiers were ready to battle. But they were 3 as they were low in numbers compared to the enemy army. General knew about the doubts of his soldiers and told all his soldiers to prayer(祈祷). After the prayer, General said, “I will now throw the coin in a way with equal 4 , if it is with a head, we will win, and if it is with a flower we will lose.” General threw it, and it was with a head. Soldiers were 5 about going into the battle. They went to the battle and 6 their plan successfully with the amazing attack against the enemy soldiers. The enemy army was forced to go back by the small army. Finally, the small army won the battle. After the battle, the Lieutenant told the General, “ 7 the god showed us through the result of throwing the coin, we won the battle. So 8 can change the result and future”. General 9 and showed Lieutenant the coin, which had heads on both sides. 10 is like a light at the end of a dark tunnel(隧道). If we believe in ourselves and light at the end, we can confidently travel the tunnel. Believing in ourselves will lead to positive results in our life. 1.A.run B.return C.attack D.move 2.A.As a result B.By the way C.In all D.After all 3.A.pleased B.surprised C.worried D.angry 4.A.reasons B.chances C.purposes D.rights 5.A.satisfied B.confident C.surprised D.curious 6.A.carried out B.gave up C.handed out D.made up 7.A.If B.Though C.When D.As 8.A.somebody B.everybody C.anybody D.nobody 9.A.cried B.smiled C.shouted D.nodded 10.A.Hope B.Carefulness C.Success D.Happiness It was Molly’s job to hand her father his brown paper lunch bag each morning before he headed off to work. One morning, besides his 11 lunch bag, Molly handed him a second paper bag, which looked a bit old. “Why two bags ” her father asked. “The other is something else,” Molly answered. “What’s in it ” “Just some something. Take it with you.” Not wanting to discuss the matter, he put both bags into his briefcase, kissed Molly and rushed off. At noon he opened Molly’s bag and took out all the things: a small Teddy bear, 2 tiny sea shells, three small stones, and 12 pennies … The 12 father smiled, finished eating, and swept the desk clean into the wastebasket, Molly’s things in the bag included, and then put himself into the afternoon work. That evening, Molly ran up to him a she was reading the newspaper. “Where’s my bag ” “What bag ” “The one I gave you this morning.” “I 13 it at the office. Why ” “I forgot to put this 14 in it,” she said. “And, besides, Daddy, ... ...

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