
Unit 2 My family Part A Let's learn Let's chant课件(共21张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:61次 大小:41409257Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 2 My family Part A Let's learn Let's chant Who's it It is Xiong Da. Who's he He is Guang Touqiang. Who's she She is Red Wolf. Who's she She is Mei Yangyang. She's Sarah. Who's that girl He's Zhang Peng. Who's that boy Who's this woman She's Miss White. 女人 Who's this man He's Mr Jones. 男人 I love my family Let's sing Who's that woman She's my mum. mother. Who's that man He's my dad. father. Let's learn 1. —How many people are there in Sarah's family Watch the video again, then answer the question. —There are 4 people. 2. —Who are they —They are Sarah’s father, Sarah’s mother, Sarah’s brother and Sarah. Let's chant The man is the father—tall, tall, tall! Let's chant The woman is the mother—not so tall. That’s the son—small, small, small. They are a family, one and all! 一、选出与句子相符的最佳答案 二、连词成句,将序号按顺序填在横线上 ① my ② mother ③ She ④ is ① That ② my mother ③ woman ④ is ——— ——— 三、选出与图片相符的句子 ( )1. A. They are a family. B. They are man and woman. ( )2. A. The girl is Sarah's mother. B. The woman is Sarah's mother. Thank you for your listening

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