
Module 4 Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs. 单元卷(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:76次 大小:331119Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Module 4 Unit 2 The apples are falling down the stairs. 一、选出下列每组单词中与画线单词同类的一项。 ( ) 1. Lingling is flying a panda kite. A. bus B. carry C. them ( ) 2. The duck is hungry. A. everything B. hamburger C. broken ( ) 3. My mother bought some eggs. A. colas B. falling C. stand ( ) 4. Who can help us A. they B. me C. we ( ) 5. Everything is falling! A. trying B. help C. thing 二、根据图片提示补全句子。 1 2 3 4 5 1. The man is trying to _____ the bus. 2. The children run up the _____. 3. The boy is trying to _____ the bus. 4. The boy is _____ . 5. We’re _____ on our heads. 三、 单项选择。 ( )1.The eggs_____falling too. are B. is C. does ( )2.I’m sorry. I can’t carry_____all. they B. them C. their ( )3.Look, a panda kite_____falling. am B. is C. are ( )4.Water turns to ice_____winter. on B. at C. in ( )5.He’s trying_____on the bus. get B. to get C. got 四、 用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Can you help_____(she)? 2. I can_____(pick) up the apples. 3. My kite is_____(fly)away. 4. I will_____(clean)the floor. 5. She is trying_____(get)on the bus. 五、选择恰当的词补全下列短文(填写序号)。 A. love B. draw C. likes D. making E. coming F. on My grandpa’s birthday is 1. _____. Dad and Mum are going to take me to his home 2. _____ Friday afternoon. And we will come back on Sunday evening. I’m 3. _____ a birthday card now. I’m going to 4. _____ a small cat on it, because my grandpa 5. _____ cats. I believe he will 6. _____ it very much. 六、根据情境补全下列对话。(有两项为多余选项) Amy: It is sunny today. I want to fly a kite in the park. But I can’t find my cap. 1. _____ Bob: Sorry, I can’t. 2. _____ Amy: Can you help me, Linda Linda: 3. _____ I’m reading newspapers. Amy: 4. _____ Danny: I can help you. Look, Amy. It’s in the bag. Amy: 5. _____ Danny: You’re welcome. 七、完形填空。 It is cloudy today. Tongtong is playing with her balloon in the park. She is very happy. But the wind 1. _____ heavily. The balloon is 2. _____.Tongtong can’t 3._____ the balloon. She is 4. _____. A bird flies to her. The bird says, “Don’t 5. _____. I can help you.” ( )1. A. blow B. blows C. blew ( )2. A. flying away B. flew away C. fly away ( )3. A. catching B. catches C. catch ( )4. A. crying B. cries C. cry ( )5. A. worried B. worry C. worries 八、春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪。阅读关于四季的绘本故事,完成下列任务。 About seasons Spring comes in March (三月).The birds are singing outside. It's time to wear my skirt and my shirt. I fly a kite with my friend. Summer comes in June(六月).The sun is shining outside. It's time to wear my swim suit. I swim in the sea with my friends. Autumn comes in September(九月). The wind is Mowing outside. It's time to wear my jacket. I hike(徒步旅行)in the woods (森林) with my friends. Winter comes in December(十二月). The snow is falling outside. It's time to wear my coat. I make a snowman with my friends. But now, it's August.The rain is falling outside. I wear my raincoat and hold my umbrella . But I am ... ...

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