
人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册 Unit 3 Environmental protection Using Language 课件(共22张PPT,内镶嵌音频和视频)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:13次 大小:29159506Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION Using Language — Listening: Talk about air pollution Using language 1. smog n.烟雾(烟与雾混合的空气污染物) 2. originate vi. & vt. 起源;发源;创立 3. volume n. 量; 体积; (成套书籍中的)一卷 4. garbage n. 垃圾;废物 5. enterprise n. 公司;企业;事业 6. restore vt. 恢复;使复原;修复 7. conservation n. 对(环境、文物等)保护;保持 8. dozen n.(一)打;十二个 9. dozens of 许多;很多 smoke+fog origin n.起源;起因;由来 original adj.原始的;最初的;独创的;新颖的 originally adv.原来;起初 ·conserve vt.保护;保存 conservative adj. 保守的; 守旧的 10. regulation n. 章程;规章制度 11. disposal n. 去掉;清除;处理 12. inspection n.检查;查看;视察 13. fine vt. 对……处以罚款 14. campaign n. 运动;战役 vi. & vt. 参加 运动;领导运动 15. waterway n. 水道;航道 16. tolerate vt. 忍受;包容;容许 17. agenda n. 议程表;议事日程 disposal n.去掉;清除;处理 ·inspect vt.检查;视察;检阅 ·inspector n.检查员 carry out an inspection 展开调查 make an inspection of 视察…… tolerant adj.宽容的;容忍的 tolerance n.宽容;容忍 tolerate (doing) sth     容忍(做)某事 不能容忍某事/物 be tolerant of/towards sb/sth 忍受、宽容某人/某事 regular adj.定期的;规律的 regularly adv.定期地;规律地 regulate vt.调节;规定;控制 ·fine sb. for 因...罚款 pay a heavy/ large fine 付巨款罚款 Para4 有充分而全面的证据表明,温度升高导致全世界范围内极端天气和自然灾害增加,不仅造成了严重的破坏,而且还造成了人员伤亡。气候科学家警告说,如果我们不采取适当的行动,这种变暖趋势可能会持续下去,并且需要付出更高的代价。事实上,新闻报道经常播出极端暴雨和热浪造成死亡和经济损失。 Para5 持续的温室气体排放将导致全球气候进一步变暖和持久变化。这需要全世界人民的关注。政府需要考虑制定政策,采取适当的行动和措施以少温室气体排放。我们个人也可以通过限制生活方式产生的二氧化碳量来减少“碳足迹”。抓住每一个机会,对所有人进行全球变暖及其成因和影响的教育,这是我们的责任,因为这是影响我们地球上所有人最严重的问题。那你会怎么做 Learning Objectives Students can accurately record the key points of the information they hear and organize them into a concise summary; Students can combine common sense to explore the causes of smog and corresponding treatment measures; Students can understand the significance of individuals in environmental protection; To learn some important words and sentence patterns. Man-made greenhouse gases Lead-in From the video I can see chimneys are in a power station(发电站) and the sky is grey. Both places look very polluted. I can see some coal being burned. These situations influence my life not only by providing electricity for me, and transporting me, but also by polluting the air I breathe. From the video I know the air pollution can cause serious health problem. What information can you get from the video How do these situations influence your life We’ll listen to an interview about air pollution. Listen carefully and answer some questions. (P30-31) (P30-E2) Listen to the interview with an air pollut ... ...

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