
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3 The Internet Reading for writing 课件(共12张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:63次 大小:8054035Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 3 The Internet Reading and Thinking Lead-in How was the Internet changed our life Lead-in It has changed our livies payment Lead-in How was the Internet changed our life in many aspects. shopping online chatting search information Para.1make our lives more convenient 使我们的生活更美好 no longer wait in lines or carry cash不必排队或带现金 get the most updated information 得到最新的信息 download software,documents and images 下载软件、文档和图片 para.2 keep her company 和她作伴 feel less lonely and bored减轻孤独和无聊 listen to music 听音乐 watch films看电影 play games 玩游戏 explore the world探索世界 join an online group 加入在线组群 remove the distance消除距离感 Remember the phrases Para.3start an IT club 成立IT俱乐部 organize events 组织活动 collect money筹集资金 pay for private teachers 支付私人教师工资 learn how to apply for work online学会如何在网上申请工作 find a great job 找到不错的工作 take care of himself start a small online company 创办一个小型网络公司 no longer feel lonely不再感到孤独 become quite successful para.4 take online classes 参加网络课程 make society better使社会更美好 bridge the digital divide 消除数字鸿沟 have access to the Internet使用互联网 start a charity website 创办慈善网站 raise money for children 为儿童募捐 1.The writer mentions many advantages of using the Internet. What bad effects does the Internet have on teenagers Now please work in pairs to discuss its disadvantages. Post-reading Discussion 1. shop online 6. make the school education easier 5. make the work life easier 4. do the research 2. communicate with each other 3. watch the news advantages disadvantages 1. not safe 5. …… 4. lead to less communication 2. cost us too much time 3. make many teenagers addicted to computer games advantages disadvantages 3. When we enjoy the convenience the Internet brings to us, watch out for the cyber violence. 1. Make full uses of the advantages of the Internet. 2. The Internet is a double- edged sword, so we should avoid accidentally falling into the trap of it. The Internet is our friend or enemy Please write an argumentative(议论的) essay. _____ Homework Think and write and we should avoid accidentally falling into the trap of it. In recent years, with the development of science and technology, our lives have been changed by the internet which makes our lives more convenient. For example,we can get the most updated information, we can download software etc. However, the internet also make many teenagers addicted to computer games or make our information let out. As far as I’m concerned we need to keep in mind that the Internet is a double-edged sword, Thanks !

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