
人教版(2019)必修第一册 Welcome Unit Reading for Writing学案(学生版+教师版)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:70次 大小:223579Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    【教师版】Welcome Unit Reading for Writing(配套) Learning Objectives 1.To analyse the structure and language characteristics of a student profile by reading. 2.To write your own student profile. Learning activities 目标一:To analyse the structure and language characteristics of a student profile by reading. Activity 1: Look through P8~9, find out the bold words in the text and write them down on your paper, read them by yourself and then show them to your partner and check with each other. Then read together as a whole. curious company personality style revise Activity 2: Read the student profiles and discuss the questions. 1.What is Ann like How do you know She is active and curious. We know this from the second, third, and fourth sentences. 2.What does "You'll never see me without a book or a pen" mean It means he nearly always has a book or open with him, because he likes to study. 3.Which profile do you like better Why I like the second profile better, because he paints a clearer picture of what kind of person he is. The first profile mostly contains lists. Activity 3: Study the organisation and language features. 1.A student profile can include the following parts. Fill in each part with the information from the student profiles. A Name, age, grade, school B Personality C Favorite subject D Learning style E Hobbies F Future plans and dreams Activity 4: Circle the phrases that Ann and Thando use to describe their personalities and underline the sentences that they use to describe their learning styles. Ann Thando circle: circle: an active person; look good curious about everything think fast play hard underline: underline: I often ask questions, You'll never see me without but I learn best by doing. a book or a pen. If I'm not in class, I'm either in the library or in the computer lab. Activity 5: Besides the information above, what else would you like to introduce in the profile Each group sends a representative to write the ideas that can be imagined, and the group with the most reasonable points wins! 目标二:To write your own student profile. Activity: Use what you have learnt to write your own student profile. 1.Complete the outline. Name: Age: Grade: School: Personality: Favourite subject: Learning style: Hobbies: Future plans and dreams: 2.Use it to draft your student profile My name is _____ and I’m a _____ student at _____ 3.Exchange drafts. Use the checklist to give feedback on your partner’s draft. √ Does the profile give you a good impression of the student √ Are all the parts in Activity 3 included and organised in a good order √ Are all the sentence structures correct √ Do all the sentences begin with capital letters √ Are there any spelling mistakes 4.Get your draft back and revise it. 5.Add a photo or drawing of yourself and show your student profile to your class. Summary: 1.What do you need to write in a student profile 2.Can you talk about the language features of a student profile 【教师版】Welcome Unit Reading ... ...

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