
Unit 1 Dream Homes Reading I 课件(共22张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:30次 大小:3028032Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 1 Dream homes ReadingⅠ 新课导入 Japan the USA France the UK Russia Where are they Revision Canada 新课讲解 Would you like to live here I live in a town 15 miles from London. 英里 新课讲解 My dream home What is in my dream home 新课讲解 bedroom living room I have my own bedroom. I don’t share the bedroom with others. 自己的 合用 新课讲解 dining room kitchen 新课讲解 bathroom study 新课讲解 balcony garden 新课讲解 sea beach 新课讲解 Can you remember the names of different parts in my dream home bedroom living room dining room kitchen balcony study bathroom garden What can I do in each room Please do the following exercises. 当堂小练 1. I usually wash my face in the dining room. 2. I always sleep in the kitchen. 3. The bathroom is the best place to chat and watch TV. 4.In most homes, people have dinner in the bedroom. 5. We usually cook meals in the living room. bathroom bedroom living room dining room kitchen 用恰当的单词替换下列句子中使用不当的单词 新课讲解 Simon wants to tell his parents about the homes of the students from the blogs. 博客 Please help him complete the table with the information on P8. 新课讲解 Where are they from Neil Anna Stephen Russia the UK the USA Read the blogs and match the names with the countries. 新课讲解 Neil Anna Stephen City/Town a town 15 miles from London House/Flat Big/Small Favourite place Name Home a house big the kitchen the centre of Moscow a flat not big the living room Los Angeles a house large the balcony 新课讲解 1. Neil lives in the centre of London. 2. Neil always has fun with his cat in the garden. 3. Anna and her family often watch TV and chat in their kitchen. 4. Anna does not have her own bedroom. 5. There are eight rooms in Stephen’s house. 6. Stephen lives near the sea. Do T or F questions on P10: dog a town 15 miles from London. living room. 新课讲解 Neil Read and find some information. 新课讲解 Where does Neil live What’s his favourite room Where does he have fun with his dog He lives in a town 15 miles from London. The kitchen. In the garden. Read and answer: 新课讲解 Anna Read and find some information. 新课讲解 Where does she live What does she like to do after dinner Does she have her own bedroom She lives in a flat in the centre of Moscow. She likes to watch TV and chat in the living room. No, she shares a bedroom with her sister. Read and answer: 新课讲解 Stephen Read and find some information. 新课讲解 Where is his home Which is his favourite place Why does he like it best It’s in Los Angeles. The balcony. Because he loves to sit there and look out at the beach and the sea. Read and answer: 课后作业 Finish Exercise B4 on P10. Check the answers.

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