

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:71次 大小:1191105Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年中考英语总复习 词汇测试十二 ( 以s开头的单词) Class_____ No._____ Name._____ I went _____ (skate)with my best friend last weekend. He has always been encouraged _____ (swim) to build up his strength by his coach. Li lei still eats lots of _____(sugar), despite his toothache. Keep in _____(silent)! I have just started my revision for my final exams. Lucy likes wearing _____(skirt) because she thinks they can make her more beautiful. The weather is fine. _____(sun) days make me feel like going out. Today is my daughter’s _____(six) birthday. I plan to hold a party for her. Planning these _____(step) will bring you closer to your dream. Ming is _____(sit) there, doing nothing. How strange! I _____(sudden) realized that he was a thief while I was buying a sweater in a clothes shop. Su Bingtian _____(success) entered the final race in men’s 100 meters. If you can use your time well, you may improve your study without _____(spend) too much time. Find a good place _____(study). When he talked to us, he was so humorous that we felt relaxed and give him a _____(甜蜜的)smile. He was so confident in his own driving _____(技能). In order to cheer up Xiao Fang, Xiao Fen came up with a perfect _____(建议). An unexpected accident happened to him last _____(夏天). He was badly hurt and has been _____(生病)in bed for a long time. Now there is something wrong with his mind and he always do something _____(傻的). On the morning of _____(四月)last year, the _____(天空)was blue and clear. On _____(星期天), he does some farm work. However, the _____(社会)has changed a lot. They have to prepare something they need, such as food, clothes, even a selfie _____(棍;棒) which can help take _____(照片)more conveniently. They have to make a shopping list and go shopping in the _____(超市). I have a pet dog. My _____(妹妹)also has one. Ming is just a man without any love to his family. That gave the public a big _____(惊讶). _____(吸烟)is not allowed there. When we arrived there, it _____(下雪)heavily. As a boss, he is _____(如此)busy that he hardly remembers his birthday. After breakfast, she walked to school. She is good at all _____(科目),especially English. Her healthy life style helps her _____(成功)in doing everything in school. We could learn a lot about animals from animal specimens (标本), such as birds and _____(蛇). He needs a pair of new _____(袜子) because the old ones have been worn out. They like wearing jeans and T-shirts. _____(有时)they wear hats which are decorated with some flowers. Our class is called “ _____(运动)class” because we have the best football team in the town. 参考答案: 1.skating; 2.swimming; 3.sugar; 4.silence; 5.skirts; 6.Sunny; 7.sixth; 8.steps; 9.sitting; 10.suddenly; 11.successfully; 12.spending; 13.to study; 14. sweet; 15.skills; 16.suggestion; 17.summer; 18.sick; 19.silly; 20.April, sky; 21.Sundays; 22.society; 23.stick, photos/pictures; 24.supermar ... ...

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