

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:63次 大小:1189022Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年中考英语总复习 词汇测试十三 ( 以T 开头的单词) Class_____ No._____ Name._____ People enjoy _____ (扔) water at each other on this festival in Thailand. Look! Mrs. Wang is_____(招待) her guests in her house. For most of the year, the area is full of _____ (游客) from all over the world. Do you have the math _____ (课本)?If you do, please turn to Page1. Drink whenever you feel _____ (口渴) during exercise. You should get on well with your _____ (队友) so that you will succeed in the end. So far, a _____ (总数) number of 378 workers are in the factory. He asked John to do one more _____ (任务) for the company before leaving. We had a lot of fun even _____ (尽管) it was very cold outside. Sunlight passes _____ (穿过) the atmosphere and reaches the earth. He doesn’t think that the stranger can be _____ (信任). The drop of water on the table was too _____ (微小) to be seen. China has done a lot of _____ (贸易) with many countries in the past years. I’ve been to Beijing many _____ (次数), I really like the beautiful city. Dragon Boat Festival has a history of more than two _____ (千) years. The Spring Festival is a Chinese _____ (传统) festival. Our country is way ahead in many important areas of space _____ (科技). At first, you should take your child’s _____ (体温). We can share something with our friends when we are in _____ (麻烦). You’d better not read a passage by _____ (翻译) every word into Chinese. The house was large and full of art _____ (珍宝). When he walked _____ (朝着) me, I smiled and waved. Lu Xun was one of the greatest writers in the _____ (二十) century of China. He spent 20 minutes _____ (tie) all the books together. There are many interesting things people like to do and enjoy _____ (them). The story of Snow White is one of the most _____ (touch) stories I have read. 27. All students should be _____ (teach) how to be polite. 28. The book that is about _____ (teenager) life is the most popular now. 29. Please send me an e-mail, _____ (tell) your life as an exchange student in America. 30. There should be more useful _____ (train) for students to help them become independent. 31. There is no more _____ (true) than this when one’s life is the most important of all. 32. We had a great time on Mary’s _____ (twelve) birthday. 33. The lady welcomed us with all her white _____ (tooth). 34. This famous horse race has taken place here _____ (two) a year. 35.I am _____ (terrible) sorry that I can’t help you. 参考词汇答案: 1. throwing 2. treating 3. tourists/travelers 4. textbook 5. thirsty 6. teammates 7. total 8. task 9. though 10. through 11. trusted 12. tiny 13. trade 14. times 15. thousand 16. traditional 17. technology 18. temperature 19. trouble 20.translating 21.treasures 22. towards 23.twentieth 24. tying 25. themselves 26. touching 27. taught 28. teenage/teenagers’ 29. telling 30. training 31. truth 32. twelfth 33. teeth 34. twice 35. terribly 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 ... ...

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