

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:12次 大小:1193626Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年中考英语总复习 词汇测试十四 ( 以 UVXYZ开头的单词) Class_____ No._____ Name._____ 1. It’s going to rain. You’d better take your (雨伞)with you, Lucy and Lily. 2. I often visit my (叔叔,姨夫) and aunts. 3. There’s a book (在……下面)the table. 4. At last, I (懂得,明白) what he said. 5. Where would you like to go for a (假期) 6. I don’t like that chair because it feels _____ (不舒服的). 7. I eat a lot of (蔬菜). 8. They’ll go to the (大学) after graduating. 9. I’ll go to the zoo (除非) it’s rainy. 10. My father didn’t come back _____ (直到…为止) he finished his work. 11. My grandfather lives in a small (村庄,乡村). 12. He likes taking (录像) 13. The camera are (使用) for taking photos. 14. She bought a (用过的,旧的) car. It was very cheap. 15. The dictionary is very (有用的,有益的) 16. They (平常,通常) go to work by bus. 17. I parked the car under the tree as (平常,通常). 18. My hobby is playing the (小提琴). 19. Thank you for (访问)us. 20. The (访问者,参观者) are from the USA. 21. Tim is good at playing (排球). 22. He said to me in a low (说话声) 23. They’re building an (地下的) railway in the city now. 24. You look so (不友好的). What’s wrong with you 25. There are ten (单元) in this text. 26. Something (不寻常的) is moving in the tree. 27. Can you climb (向上) the tree 28. What’s your (意见) to this plan 29. Some (村民) are working in the field. 30. What is he doing He is (使用) the computer. 31. Littering in public places is turning beautiful places into (丑陋的)ones. 32. Do you know the girl in (黄色的) 33. What was the date the day before (昨天) 34. You look much (年轻的) than before. 35. My room is on the right. Where is (你的) 36. How many (动物园) can you find on the map 37. If you have a toothache, you should see a dentist and get an _____(X光线). 词汇测试参考答案(UV): 1.umbrellas 2. uncle(s) 3. under 4. understood 5. vacation 6. uncomfortable 7. vegetables 8. universities 9. unless 10.until 11. village 12.videos 13. used 14.used 15. useful 16.usually 17. usual 18. violin 19. visiting 20.visitors 21.volleyball 22.voice 23.underground 24. unfriendly 25.units 26.unusual 27.up 28.view 29.villagers 30.using 31.ugly 32.yellow 33.yesterday 34.younger 35.yours 36.zoos 37. X-ray 21世纪教育网 www.21cnjy.com 精品试卷·第 2 页 (共 2 页) HYPERLINK "http://21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com) " 21世纪教育网(www.21cnjy.com)

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