

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:92次 大小:1203006Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 2024年中考英语总复习 词汇测试十五 ( 以W开头的单词 ) Class _____ No. _____ Name. _____ 1. Do you _____ (想要) to buy a big _____ (白色) _____ (女子) T-shirt Please come to Mr. Cool's Clothes Store. We sell all our clothes at very good prices this _____ (星期三). Lucy often _____(希望) she had two _____(翅膀) so that she could fly high. 3. What sunny _____ (天气)! Let's do some _____(wash). 4. —_____ (想要) you like to take _____ (散步) this _____ (周末) —Sorry. I am going to read a book about the Eight _____(奇迹) on the earth. Han Han is a famous/_____(著名的) _____(作家). He has _____(写) many books that teenagers like best in the past years. 6. The girl_____(wait) for her friends to see a movie at 7:00 last night . 7. Which season do you like best, spring, summer, autumn or _____(冬天) 8. _____ (什么) is the matter with the _____ (鲸) They are endangered. 9. There _____ (是) something _____ (有毛病的) with the back two _____ (车轮) last week. 10. Some _____ (西方的) children have been interested in Journey to the _____ (西方) since thirty years ago. Long long ago, Yu Gong _____(谁) was old and _____ (无力的) moved the mountains with his children. _____ (无论何时) you come to China, you will feel the _____(温暖) of the Chinese people. Ma Yun has built many _____(网站) and got much _____ (财富). _____(没有) doubt, the person who learns _____ (明智地) can get better grades than others. The woman _____ 90 kilos, so she has to lose her _____. (重) We can move away the _____ (木制的) chairs and desks easily in this _____ (方式). _____ (浪费) can be stopped one day if we try our best. Everyone should stop _____(浪费) the resources as soon as possible. I don't think this movie is _____ (值得) _____(看). My mother grew the plant in the garden and_____ (浇水) it carefully. It grew very _____(好). She _____ (警告) us not to touch it. Now Chinese is _____ (广泛地) used all over the _____(世界) than past. Scientists have tested to find that _____ (狼) are good at teamwork. 22. When I _____ (醒来) up, I found a nice present under the tree. 23. When they got to the United States, a churchman _____ (欢迎) them and _____ (热情地) helped place them in a homeless shelter. They were moved beyond _____(话). Its sad beauty not only paints a picture of Abing's own life but also makes people recall their deepest _____ (创伤) from their own sad or painful experiences. The _____ (服务员) made a _____ (一周的) plan for his work and _____(赢得) a prize. After the competition, these _____ (获胜者)_____(挥手) to the crowds and got something _____ (精彩的). Also, their _____ (妻子) had a party for them. I was visiting the _____ (整个的) city _____ (当......时) my family were shopping. The strong _____ (风) last night blew away the _____ (窗户) which were made of _____(木头). Environmental protection groups, such as_____(野生的) AID and WWF, are teaching the public about “finning”. The worker _____(谁的) _____ (钱包) was lost yesterday _____ ... ...

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