
人教版(2019)必修第二册Unit 3 The Internet Listening and Speaking 导学案

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中学案 查看:93次 大小:19828Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit3 The Internet Period1 Listening and Speaking I .Warming up the online activities 2.write a 写一篇博文 use a 使用搜索引擎 4.在线聊天 movies and music流播电影和音乐. 6.在线听音乐 do a survey online habits 做一个关于上网习惯的调查 8.look up information 9. an hour至少一个小时 10.视情况而定 11.Are you. 你是在开玩笑吗 II. Lead in what is the Internet? pre-listening Free talk Which electronic device do you usually use to surf the internet ? What apps do you use? how much time do you spend online everyday ? what do you usually do online ? While-Listening 1. Sam is doing a survey on online habits. He is now talking to his schoolmates Anna, Paul, and Joe. Listen to the conversation and complete the table. name time spent online every day online activities reasons for using the internet Anna Paul Joe Listen again and fill in the blanks to complete the sentences. A blog an online diary where you write about something you’re interested in. , I like basketball, so I write a lot on my blog about my favourite team. I stream videos and music. , I watch videos and listen to music online. A search engine that helps you find what you’re looking for. Post-Listening 1.. How are the words in italics defined Write them in the correct brackets. A. Use simpler words. ( ) B. Use an example. ( ) C. Compare to something. ( ) 2.Do a survey of your classmates’ online habits name time spent online every day online activities reasons for using the internet Useful expressions Time spent online every day A: How much time do you spend online every day B: I’d say … hours.; Oh, maybe about … hours. What about you Online activities A:What do you usually do online B:I like to … ; Sometimes I …, too. Favorite app A:what’s your favorite app B:I like … the best; My favorite app is… 3.Report on Online Habits Good morning, everyone! Today I did a survey about online habits. The results are as follows. XXX spends _____ hours online every weekend. When surfing the Internet, he/she always _____, and he/she thinks _____ is _____. It often takes XXX _____ hours online on weekends. His/her favorite app is _____ because it is _____. As for XXX, he/she uses the Internet for _____ hours every weekend. He/she likes to _____. In his/her opinion, _____ is _____. As far as I’m concerned, XXX’s online habit is healthier because _____.

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