
Unit 1 How tall are you 巩固训练(无答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:55次 大小:17569Byte 来源:二一课件通
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Unit 1 How tall are you 一、选择题 1.My pencil is longer than _____. ( ) A.your B.yours C.you 2.I’m 13 years old and Tony is 14. So _____. ( ) A.he’ s younger than me B.I’m older than him C.he’s one year older than me D.I’m as old as him 3.The dog’s tail is long. The monkey’s tail is _____. ( ) A.long B.longer C.longest 4.The Liuhou park is _____ than The Longtan park in Liuzhou. ( ) A.small B.smaller C.young 5.This bus is 8m _____. It’s _____ than that one. ( ) A.longer; longer B.long; long C.long; longer 二、填空题 6.Your (foot) are smaller than (my), Lily. 7.I wear size 18. She wears size 20. Her feet are (big) than mine. 8.Your pencil is (short) than Amy's. 9.They are (go) on a trip to the countryside. 10.The monkey is (thin) than the panda. 三、补全对话/短文 Sarah: I visited my grandma last weekend. OIiver: 11 Sarah: 12 I had a good time there. OIiver: 13 Sarah: I drank tea with my grandma and cooked food together Oliver: Did you help your grandma clean the room Sarah: 14 Oliver: 15 Sarah: Thanks! A.Yes, we did. B.What did you do there C.It was great! D.You’re helpful! E.How do you feel there 四、句型转换 16.The dinosaur is heavier than that one. (改为一般疑问句) 17..Milk is my favourite drink. (将主语替换为 chicken) 18.I often draw pictures on the weekend. (改为一般疑问句,并用否定回答) 19.He is 1.65 metres.(就划线部分提问) 20.I am 48 kilograms. (就画线部分提问) 五、连词成句 21.yours my smaller than feet are (.) 22.are, old, you, how ( ) 23.metres, my, friend, good, is, 1.53, (.) 24.old my fifteen is sister years (.) 25.fish, big, is, how, your ( ) 六、阅读理解 阅读短文,选择正确答案。 I have a big family. There are six people in my family. My grandpa is older than my grandma and he is thinner than her. My father is taller and stronger than my mother. My brother is heavier than me, but my hair is longer than him. 26.My grandpa is _____ than my grandma. ( ) A.older B.heavier C.younger 27.My mother is _____than my father. ( ) A.shorter B.stronger C.taller 28.My father is _____than my mother. ( ) A.older B.heavier C.stronger 29.My brother is _____than me. ( ) A.older B.heavier C.thinner 30.My hair is _____than my brother’s. ( ) A.shorter B.taller C.longer

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