
Unit 3 Where did you go 能力培优练习(含答案)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学试卷 查看:59次 大小:1216398Byte 来源:二一课件通
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中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Unit 3 Where did you go 能力培优练 一.情景交际。 A.根据对话情景选择恰当的选项,其中有一项是多余的。 A.What happened B.Are you all right C.How was your winter holiday D.How did you go there E. What did you do F. Where did you go over the winter holiday A:Hi.1._____ B: That's too bad! A:2._____ B: I fell off the horse and hurt my foot. A:That's too bad! 3._____ B:I' m OK now. A:4._____ B:My family and I went to Sanya. A: 5._____ B:Hainan is far from here. We went there by plane. A: What did you do there B:I took lots of pictures, rode the horse and I also went swimming. A: How was the beach B:It was beautiful. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5._____ B.根据情景重新排列下列句子的正确顺序。 ( )Hi, Where did you go over your winter holiday ( 3 )Who did you go with ( )I went to Harbin. ( )I went with my uncle. ( )I got by car. ( )How did you get here ( )Did you have fun ( )What did you do there ( )I rode a horse.It was very exciting! ( )Yes.It was great. 二. 完形填空。 1. week Sam went to Xinjiang with his parents. It’s in the 2. of China. They went there by plane. He 3. a horse. It ran fast. It’s very funny. They 4. the mountain. And Sam’s father 5. lots of photos there. Sam’s mother bought a dragon kite there. And she bought some postcards too. They’re nice. They will come back 6. month. ( )1. A. next B.On C.Last ( )2. A. east B.west C.north ( )3. A. rode B.rides C. ride ( )4. A. climb B.climbed C.climbing ( )5. A. takes B.take C. took ( )6. A. next B.last C. one 三.根据上下文的意思,选词填空,每个词只用一次。 went took bought swimming with for trip teach tired first I had a happy summer holiday last year. My family and I had a good 1. to Sanya. On the 2. day, I 3. to the beach. I 4. many pictures 5. my family. On the second day, I went 6. I didn’t know how to swim, so I asked someone to 7. me. On the third day, I went shopping. I 8. many beautiful presents 9. my friends. I was 10. . I wanted to have a rest. 四.阅读理解。 (一)根据所给信息,判断正(T)误(F)。 Dear Chen Jie, I went to Shanghai with my parents in October. We went here by plane. We visited Disneyland. I ate hamburgers and chips. I liked them very much. My father bought me a bag. It’s big and light. It’s blue. And it has four wheel. My mother bought me a T-shirt. It’s nice. It has a dragon on it. We stayed in Shanghai for a week. We had a good time there. How was your holiday Please write to me soon. Love, Amy ( )1.Chen Jie went to Shanghai in October. ( )2.They went here by plane. ( )3.Amy liked hamburgers and chips very much. ( )4.Amy bought a blue bag. ( )5.Chen Jie stayed in Shanghai for a week. (二)阅读短文,选择正确的答案。 Hello, I am Wu Binbin. Yesterday was Friday, April 23rd. It was a sunny day. In the morning, I rode a bike to my grandpa’s home. It was his birthday. I bought many gifts and a big cake in the shop. My grandpa and grandma liked the gifts very much. My mother cooked lunch. In the afternoon, Mum ate so ... ...

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