
人教七下Unit 6 I'm watching TV. Section A (2d-3c)授课课件+音视频素材

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中素材 查看:28次 大小:5219535Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    (课件网) 人教新目标版 七年级(下) Unit 6 I’m watching TV. Period 2 Section A (2d-3c) I’m watching TV. Section A 2d-GF Warming-up What, what, what are you doing Reading, reading, I am reading. What, what, what are you doing Cleaning, cleaning, I am cleaning. What, what, what is he doing Shopping, shopping, he is shopping. What, what, what is he doing Swimming, swimming, he is swimming. What, what, what is she doing Dancing, dancing, she is dancing. What, what, what is she doing Exercising, exercising, she is exercising. dance dancing exercise exercising shop shopping swim swimming Let’s learn Let’s read and find out the rules. run - running swim - swimming shop - shopping put - putting sit - sitting watch - watching play - playing listen - listening clean - cleaning wash - washing make - making exercise - exercising use - using take - taking write - writing 直接加 ing 双写加 ing 去e加ing watch play listen wash run swim shop put sit make exercise write take use 直接加 ing 去e加ing ing 双写加 ing Let’s practice clean P36 Self Check 1 Pre-listening It’s 3 p.m. now. Laura and Jenny are at home(在家里), and they are talking on the phone with each other. Do you know what Jenny and Laura are doing / l r / Is Jenny doing... Is Laura doing... Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. Pre-listening 1. What is Laura doing 2. What is Jenny doing 3. What do they want to do 4. Where and when will they meet Laura is washing her clothes. Jenny is watching TV. They want to go out for dinner. At Jenny’s home at 6:30 p.m. to have dinner Task 1: Let’s listen and answer the questions. Task 2: Listen and repeat 跟读. Jenny: Hello This is Jenny. Laura: Hi, Jenny. It’s Laura here. Jenny: Oh, hi, Laura. What are you doing Laura: Not much. I’m just washing my clothes. What about you Jenny: I’m watching TV. Do you want to join me for dinner My parents aren’t at home. We can eat out. Laura: Yeah, I’d love to. Jenny: Let’s meet at my home e at half past six. Laura: OK. See you then. (speaking) Nothing much join me for _____ dinner having My parents go out. I’d love to, ____ I have a lesson this evening. but Tip 1: You should reject an invitation politely (委婉地拒绝邀请). Jenny: Hello This is Jenny (speaking). Laura: Hi, Jenny. It’s Laura here. Jenny: Oh, hi, Laura. What are you doing Laura: Not much. I’m just washing my clothes. What about you Jenny: I’m watching TV. Do you want to join me for dinner My parents aren’t at home. We can eat out. Laura: Yeah, I’d love to. Jenny: Let’s meet at my home e at half past six. Laura: OK. See you then. Task 3: Analyze the structure. Greet others & introduce yourself Make an invitation (发出邀请) Make an agreement (达成一致) Tip 2: You can make an invitation indirectly(间接地). Post-listening -What are you doing 3b Number the sentences in order to make a telephone conversation. Open the conversation -I’m reading a book Make an invitation(邀请) -Do you want to go to the movie ... ...

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