
焦点 02 完形填空-备战2024年中考英语复习之优秀生拔高特训(北京市)(含解析)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中试卷 查看:31次 大小:502830Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    焦点02 完形填空 备战2024年中考英语复习之优秀生拔高特训 A 请阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。 Many years ago, there was a group of excellent young men at a university. They were talented at writing. They often met to read and criticize(评论) each other’s works. These men were cruel when they criticized one another. They offered 1 and even mean criticism. The members of the club called themselves the “Stranglers(扼杀者)”. A group of women also started a club of their own to level up their writing skills. The members called themselves the “Wranglers(看护者)”. They 2 their writings in front of each other, too. But the words were 3 and positive(积极的). Every effort from a member was 4 by all. After 20 years, one of the students was doing a study of his classmates when he noticed a huge 5 in the writing world of the Stranglers and the Wranglers. None had made any major achievements among all the excellent young men in the Stranglers, 6 the Wranglers had several successful writers. The two groups were 7 talented and educated. The Stranglers strangled each other while the Wranglers gave each other a lift. The Stranglers had more self-doubt while the Wranglers 8 the best in each other. The great success can be helping others succeed and grow. 1.A.strict B.wrong C.meaningless 2.A.improve B.read C.exchange 3.A.direct B.simple C.soft 4.A.needed B.understood C.encouraged 5.A.difference B.problem C.change 6.A.but B.so C.because 7.A.completely B.possibly C.similarly 8.A.looked for B.brought out C.made up 【答案】1.A 2.B 3.C 4.C 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.B 【导语】本文讲述了两组才华横溢的年轻人,他们经常创作文学作品并进行切磋,但方式不同,最后的结果也不同。 1.句意:他们提出了严厉甚至刻薄的批评。 strict严格的;wrong错误的;meaningless没有意义的。根据“These men were cruel when they criticized one another.”可知这些人互相批评时很残忍,所以应该是严厉的批评,故选A。 2.句意:她们也在彼此面前读她们写的东西。 improve提升;read阅读;exchange交换。根据 “They often met to read and criticize(评论) each other’s works.”以及“They...their writings in front of each other,”可知是指阅读,故选B。 3.句意:但这些话是温和而积极的。 direct直接的;simple简单的;soft温和的。根据“and positive(积极的)”可知此处是指看护者们的话语是温和的,故选C。 4.句意:每一个成员的努力都受到大家的鼓励。 needed需要;understood明白;encouraged鼓励。根据“Every effort from a member was...by all.”结合“positive(积极的)”可知成员的努力都受到大家的鼓励。故选C。 5.句意:20年后,一名学生在研究他的同学时,注意到扼杀者和看护者的写作世界有巨大的不同。 difference差异;problem问题;change改变。根据“huge...in the writing world of the Stranglers and the Wranglers.”以及下文可知扼杀者和看护者的写作世界有很大不同,故选A。 6.句意:扼杀者所有优秀的年轻人中,没有一个人取得过什么重大成就,但看护者里有几个成功的作家。 but但是;so所以;because因为。分析语境可知,前后是转折关系,应用but连接,故选A。 7.句意:这两组人的 ... ...

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