
牛津译林版(2020)必修第三册Unit 1 Welcome to the unit & Reading 课件(共44张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:32次 大小:39624206Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Welcome to the unit & Reading —Reading comprehension Unit 1 Nature in the balance By the end of this class, students will be able to: 1. summarize the basic information about the Amazon rainforest; 2. understand the significance of the Amazon rainforest; 3. master the technique of “making comparisons” which helps readers understand a large figure; 4. develop the awareness of protecting the Earth’s ecosystem. CONTENTS Pre-reading I While-reading II Post-reading III Sentences analysis IV V Welcome to the unit Listen to the song The Earth is our only home and discuss the following questions in pairs. How to understand “harm” and “alarm” in this song What is the message of the song Welcome to the unit Lead in The Earth is our only home The human race has done much harm. We have polluted our soils and seas, And cut down too many trees. Now is the time to sound the alarm. We want to live in a world that’s clean; We want to live in a world of green. The human race has done much harm; Now is the time to sound the alarm. Let’s be thankful for the skies above; Let’s plant new trees and stop pollution; Let’s work together to find the solution; The Earth’s our home to protect and love. We want to live in a world that’s clean; We want to live in a world of green. Let’s be thankful for the skies above; The Earth’s our home to protect and love. pollute soils pollute seas cut down too many trees 1. (1) Can you list “harm” that the song has expressed (2) How to understand “harm” in this song “Harm” means something bad we have done to the Earth, including polluting soils and seas, cutting down too many trees, etc. 2. (1) Can you list “alarm” that the song has expressed (2) How to understand “alarm” in this song Be thankful for the skies; Plant new trees; Stop pollution; Find the solution. “Alarm” means the signal that warns us of the dangers of environmental damage, which urges us to find a solution to this problem. 3. What is the message of the song Humans have done much harm to the Earth, and we have to take action to change this situation. Let us not, however, flatter ourselves overmuch on account of our human victories over nature. For each such victory nature takes its revenge on us. Let’s protect our earth together! think too highly of ourselves because of punish someone who has made it suffer What do you think the script will talk about according to the title and pictures I think it’s about the _____and the _____and —_____ found there. They are all natural treasures because they are valuable to the Amazon. The pictures show that the plants and animals living in the Amazon rainforest are unusual and beautiful. There are different kinds of animals that depend on the rainforest for shelter and food. Predicting Amazon rainforest plants animals Pre-reading Read the documentary to check if your predictions are correct. 1. What’s the main idea of the text A. The Amazo ... ...

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