

日期:2024-05-13 科目:英语 类型:高中教案 查看:40次 大小:25625Byte 来源:二一课件通
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熟悉逻辑思维,轻松搞定七选五 熟悉逻辑思维,轻松搞定七选五 2024南京、盐城高三英语一模 大家觉得南京和盐城2024一模英语试题的七选五很难,学生得分率较低。究其原因,可能还是学生在复习时没有真正掌握七选五命题点的特点以及逻辑思维,题目做了不少,但是提炼总结不多,学生获取的做题技巧不成体系,做题没有章法,七选五做的时好时坏,所以学生要必须具备一些解题意识。 从本质上说,七选五跟完形填空是一样,就是信息回填,话题互补,逻辑一致。 4种常考逻辑:对比(今夕,新旧,大小),转折(段前),因果(段尾),肯定否定互补。做七选五先看选项,再看文章。看选项时圈出名词,代词,连词,数字,句式(相同句式的差异性,一定隐藏一个正确选项)。 一、注意事项 提醒学生重视以下几个点,这是七选五重点考查的几个方面。 我经常提醒学生重视首段的名词,因为名词就是话题,传递话题的不同走向。 主体段落的复数名词意味着相同结构的并列问题。 连词:代表说话的逻辑。but转折靠前,提示下文的内容。And和or并列(段中),so因果(段尾)。 句式:相同句式的差异性,一定隐藏一个正确选项 情感:否定之后的肯定,相关的形容词的差异。 二、我的做法 一般而言,七选五的教学,我一般这样处理:讲题--提炼--拓展 讲题:分析思路和逻辑 提炼:用到了哪些具体的解题技巧 拓展:话题续写--语法填空(高阶思维的培养--逻辑闭环) 三、案例分析 2024南京盐城一模七选五 Once a year in a small mountain village, the Mande people gather to hear the folk stories of their traditions. The man playing an instrument called Sosso-Bala while singing is the storyteller.He holds all the folk knowledge of the Mande people. Most of us don't have a musical instrument that ties us together, but we have someone in our lives who's the keeper of our folk knowledge. Often it's a grandmother, who keeps all our stories of wisdom ready to tell upon request. 36 What's the best way to get a baby to sleep Where do I come from What's my moral compass The stories provide an answer, and it's useful to speak with someone who knows how things are done. 37 . Researchers have documented folk knowledge in other species--whales returning to parts of the sea that they'd abandoned a generation before; monkeys that communicate hunting skills to their offspring(后代). Folk knowledge is not only culture, it’s also survival. 38 Traditionally, we share it in small units--families sharing around a dinner table. 39 Look at any social media, and you'll see folk knowledge at work and at play. It's exploded as we're trained to look for information online, rather than from within. In this case, chances are that our questions can be answered with misinformation. But we don't gather once a year to reality check our “folk stories” as the Mande people do; nor do we center our folk traditions around a musical instrument. The internet has no reality except its own and left unchecked, its wisdom has no rhythm(节奏). 40 A. It's just chaos.B. This is why we do it. C.Human wisdom has been passed down through generations. D. The stories can be useful for dealing with all sorts of doubts. E.Nowadays, folk knowledge has expanded to digital networks. F.Now the internet has made valuable folk wisdom at y ... ...

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