
牛津译林版(2020)必修第三册unit4 Integrated skills 课件(共45张PPT,内嵌音频)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:92次 大小:58043268Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Integrated skills Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world By the end of this period, you will be able to: 1. read and learn what activities can be arranged in a Science Festival; 2. take notes of useful information while listening; 3. discuss what topics you would like to include in your own plans; 4. use the key information and suggested structure to write a plan for a school Science Festival. s Is there a Science Festival in your school What do you think the Science Festival includes Pre-listening What is included in the plan for a school Science Festival When it will take place Where the activities will be held Who will get involved What equipment do they need to prepare Why to make these arrangements How to make sure things will go well 1. The Science Festival is coming up in two months. _____ 2. The Science Festival was started five years ago. _____ 3. The Science Festival aims to encourage students to take an interest in science and develop skills that may help them in their studies. _____ 4. Students who take part in the workshop can design different experiments. _____ 5. The plan should be handed in next week. _____ Task 1 Listen to the talk, circle the incorrect information in each statement and correct it in the blanks. While-listening 1. The Science Festival is coming up in two months. _____ 2. The Science Festival was started five years ago. _____ 3. The Science Festival aims to encourage students to take an interest in science and develop skills that may help them in their studies. _____ 4. Students who take part in the workshop can design different experiments. _____ 5. The plan should be handed in next week. _____ Check your answers one by one. in two months → next month five → three studies → future lives design → try next week → by this Friday Task 2 Listen to the talk again and complete the notes below. What to include in the plan _____ of the Science Festival Events of the Science Festival (2) _____ by a well-known scientist The person to be invited The time and place for the event (3) _____ that students might be interested in Theme A lecture The topic Check your answers. Science Workshop Experiments to be done Equipment and (4) _____ needed (5) _____ Suggestions on how each class can design activities and (6) _____ What to include in the plan materials Science Fair decorate their classroom Tips If you need to write down information quickly, it is important that you make your notes as brief as possible. You can: use abbreviations and contractions; write down only the keywords; use symbols. Taking notes Abbreviations: “IT” for information technology; “Dr” for doctor; “ICU” for Intensive Care Unit; Contractions: “it’s” for it is; “haven’t” for have not; “doesn’t” for does not; Use abbreviations and contractions Keyword is a word that tells you about the main idea or subject of something, like the word that you type into a search engine so that i ... ...

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