
牛津译林版(2020)必修第三册 unit4 Scientists who changed the world Reading 课件 (41张PPT含视频)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:44次 大小:97586227Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Welcome to the unit & Reading —Reading comprehension Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world By the end of this period, you will be able to: 1. summarize the outline and key information of the news report; 2. evaluate the importance of traditional Chinese medicine and appreciate the qualities of Tu Youyou as a scientist. CONTENTS Pre-reading I While-reading II Post-reading III Sentences analysis IV V Welcome to the unit Many scientists have changed our lives and made a difference to the world. Let’s watch the video and do the following exercises. Welcome to the unit Yuan Longping In 1953, he _____ South-west Agricultural College. In the 1970s, he _____ the first hybrid rice varieties. Stephen Hawking He _____ the field of general relativity. In 1988, A Brief History of Time was published and stayed on a bestseller list for _____. Fill in the blanks. graduated from succeeded in developing made great contributions to 237 weeks 1. What do you know about the Nobel Prize The Nobel prize is an international prize given annually for achievements in different fields such as physics, chemistry, medicine or literature. The Prize is also awarded to those who contribute to creating peace. Pre-reading Tu Youyou, a Chinese scientist, is awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize. 2. According to the title and the picture, what would be discussed in this article 1. What is the passage mainly about A.Chinese scientist Tu Youyou’s career. B.Chinese scientist Tu Youyou and her team. C.Chinese scientist Tu Youyou’s lecture. D.Chinese scientist Tu Youyou and the discovery of qinghaosu. √ 2. What is the type of the passage News report. While-reading Activity 1 Fast-reading for basic information. Headline The Lead The Body The Tail Para. 1 Paras. 2-5 Para. 6 A news report 3. What’s the structure of the passage 4. Match the main idea of each part. Part 1(Para.1) A.Tu acquired a broad knowledge of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. Part 2(Para. 2) B.Tu and her team solved a lot of problems before they successfully discovered qinghaosu. Part 3(Paras. 3-5) C.Tu and her team’s efforts finally paid off. Part 4(Para. 6) D.Tu Youyou won a Nobel Prize in 2015 for her discovery of qinghaosu. The tail (optional) The lead The body Title attractive, direct, exact, brief, incomplete the most important information: Who, What, When, Where, Why, How detailed or supporting information background information or conclusion 5. The features of a news report Inverted pyramid when, what who Headline Activity 2 Careful-reading for details who When Why what 11 December 2015 Tu Youyou receive a Nobel Prize the discovery of qinghaosu Tu Youyou received a Nobel Prize in 2015 for her discovery of qinghaosu. Para. 1(The Lead) Read Para.1 carefully and get the most important information. Tu Youyou has become the first female scientist of the People’s Republic of China to receive a Nobel Prize, awarded for her ... ...

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