
海南省海口市琼山区海南中学2023-2024学年高一下学期开学英语试题(含答案 无听力音频 无听力原文)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:37次 大小:97870Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    参考答案 一、听力 1-5 AACCB 6-10 BAABA 1-15 BACAB 16-20 BABBA 第二部分:阅读 21-23ABC 24-27ACAC 28-31DBAB 32-35DCBA 36-40 DCGBF 完形填空 41-45 CBABC 46-50ADABC 51-55 DDBCA 阅读下面小题,根据所给首字母或中文提示或括号内单词完成句子。 56. delivered 57. affordable 58. downloading 59. performance. 60. explaining 61. affected 62. functions. 63. upset 64. explore 65. suffering 阅读下面小题,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 66. cleaning 67. from 68. to attend 69. devotes 70. container 71. are having 72. harmful 73. is being repaired 74. an pete 7 6. which 77. their 78. that 79. cooking 80. Certainly 课文填空 81. across 82. struck 83. illegally 84 valuable. 85.a 86. to 87. to preserve 88. keeping 89. solutions 90.sharing 91. wider 92. further 93. As 94.oneself munication 写作 To call on people to love the Great Wall and protect our cultural relics, an activity was organised by the Green Love Union. The students who participated in it met at the school gate at 7 o’clock on April 30th and then went to the Great Wall. On arriving there, they picked up the litter along the Great Wall. Moreover, a speech given by a student made tourists know more about preserving cultural relics. This activity turned out to be a great success. It not only aroused more students’ interest in protecting the Great Wall, but also made more people realise the importance of protecting our heritage sites. 【高一英语听力文稿】 Text 1: M: This is the most wonderful party I have ever visited. Wow, it’s almost 12 o’clock. How can we get home It’s so late and the buses and subways have all stopped running. W: It looks as though we have no choice but tocall a taxi. Text 2: W: Two return tickets to London Road. M: That’s 4.50 each, please. W: Here is ten pounds. By the way, when’s the last bus back M: 11:00. And your change. Text 3: W: How was your holiday, John M: We had a good time, but the weather was awful. We didn’t have one sunny day! W: Oh, dear, a week in the rain, poor you. M: Well, that’s the funny thing. It never actually rained. It was just freezing. We thought it might even snow. Text4: M: So, what seems to be the problem W: Well, I’m not feeling very well. I’ve got a really bad headache, a cough and my throat hurts. M:Ok, come and lie down over there. Text5: M: How is your grandma feeling these days W: Much better, thanks. She will be coming home in a few days. The operation was a success and she’ll recover soon. Text6: M: Hi, Amy, glad to see you here. W: Oh, Hi, Steve. We haven’t seen each other for years since we left school. I remember you are a big fan of the Rockets, right M: Yeah. Well, I’m not sure they deserved to lose. It didn’t seem like a fair result to me. W: I think it was the judge’s fault. M: Well, I’m not really convinced he was to blame. They just didn’t have any luck today. W: Let’s hope things go our way a bit more next week. M: Yes. If they keep playing like that everyone’s going to go to sleep. It wasn’t exactly exci ... ...

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