
Unit8 How do you make a banana milk shake Section A (1a-1c)课件+嵌入音频(共34张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:初中课件 查看:25次 大小:42170219Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) How do you make a banana milk shake Section A (1a-1c) Unit 8 Knowledge Aims Emotional Aims Ability Aims words: shake,peel,pour...; phrases: cut up, pour...into...; sentences: peel the bananas; turn on the blender... 1. Students can describe how to make a banana milk shake by following instructions. 2. Students can use imperatives (祈使句) correctly. Students' practical operation ability and hands-on ability can be improved. Teaching aims Warming up Let's Enjoy bananas What are the Minions doing Why Warming up Brainstorm What fruit do you like pear banana watermelon orange strawberry apple Warming up We can eat fruits in many different ways. fruit milk shake 水果奶昔 fruit salad 水果沙拉 fruit juice 水果饮料 Warming up One Day, ... Warming up Fruit Milk Shake of their own. But... Warming up Let's Help the Minions Help others more and create more happiness. Pre-listening What do we need Ingredients原材料 Tools 工具 banana ice cream milk blender glass knife What should we do next Look & Guess cut up 切碎 Pre-listening cut up bananas cut up watermelon Look & Guess peel 去皮 Pre-listening peel an orange peel a carrot Look & Guess Pre-listening pour the milk into the blender pour...into... 把...倒入... pour the water into the glass pour the wine into the glass Look & Guess put...in... 把...放入... Pre-listening Put the bananas in the blender Look & Guess turn on 打开 Pre-listening You Perform, I Guess 你比划我来猜 Game Time 游戏规则: 1、自由组合,两人一组,一个比划一个猜。 2、每组5个词,每个词20秒,答对题目最多的一组获胜。 3、比划的人可以用语言和肢体动作来提示描述,但是不能描述某个字的读音或写法,不能出现“词语”中的同音字及外语翻译。 4、猜不出可以喊“pass”,每组有三次过的权力。 5、观众不能提醒,观众提醒过的题目自动作废。 Pre-listening Group 1 drink Round 1 Group 2 peel pour knife turn on peel cut up turn on drink knife 00:20 00:19 00:18 00:17 00:16 00:15 00:14 00:13 00:12 00:11 00:10 00:09 00:08 00:07 00:06 00:05 00:04 00:03 00:02 00:01 00:00 00:20 00:19 00:18 00:17 00:16 00:15 00:14 00:13 00:12 00:11 00:10 00:09 00:08 00:07 00:06 00:05 00:04 00:03 00:02 00:01 00:00 00:20 00:19 00:18 00:17 00:16 00:15 00:14 00:13 00:12 00:11 00:10 00:09 00:08 00:07 00:06 00:05 00:04 00:03 00:02 00:01 00:00 00:20 00:19 00:18 00:17 00:16 00:15 00:14 00:13 00:12 00:11 00:10 00:09 00:08 00:07 00:06 00:05 00:04 00:03 00:02 00:01 00:00 00:20 00:19 00:18 00:17 00:16 00:15 00:14 00:13 00:12 00:11 00:10 00:09 00:08 00:07 00:06 00:05 00:04 00:03 00:02 00:01 00:00 Pre-listening Play it again Pre-listening Group 1 drink Group 2 peel pour knife turn on peel cut up turn on drink knife 00:20 00:19 00:18 00:17 00:16 00:15 00:14 00:13 00:12 00:11 00:10 00:09 00:08 00:07 00:06 00:05 00:04 00:03 00:02 00:01 00:00 00:20 00:19 00:18 00:17 00:16 00:15 00:14 00:13 00:12 00:11 00:10 00:09 00:08 00:07 00:06 00:05 00:04 00:03 00:02 00:01 00:00 00:20 00:19 00:18 00:17 00:16 00:15 00:14 00:13 00:12 00:11 00:10 00:09 00:08 00:07 ... ...

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