
译林版(2020) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Extended reading课件(共27张PPT)

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:85次 大小:3790759Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world What's the importance of science Science has both advantages and disadvantages. Science promotes the development of human society and improves people's life. The scientific and technological revolutions in human history have brought about rapid progress in our world. Life expectancy and the overall health of people have been greatly improved due to advances in medical science. Advancements made in technologies that produced things like hybrid rice, have contributed to food security. Owing to transport and engineering developments, as well as the invention of the Internet, the world has become a global village. However, there are dark and ugly sides of science. Military science is often misused in conflicts and wars, which cause countless casualties. Addiction to and reliance on some high-tech products have made us lazy. Science has industrialized society,which also puts enormous pressure on natural resources and on environment. How do you understand the famous saying, “science is a double-edged sword” Now we're going to understand the value of science in a scientist's eyes. Nobel Prize winner Member of the Manhattan Project Feynman diagrams Richard Feynman Born: 11 May 1918, New York, USA Died: 15 February 1988, Let's read and find out how the writer explains his ideas. para 1-2 1. work on the atomic bomb 2. be obviously serious 3. represent the destruction of people 4. put our future at risk 5. be involved in 6. put another way 7. devote oneself to 8. what terrible things para 1-2 1. 从事原子弹研究 2.显然严重 3.代表了人类的毁灭 4.让我们的未来处于危险中 5.包含在,与...有关 6. 换句话说 7. 致力于 8. 多么可怕的事情 para 3-6 1. scientific knowledge 2. enable sb to do sth 3. to the credit of 4. lead us to good work 5. an enabling power 6. intellectual enjoyment 7. inspire one to look deeper 8. let sb down para 3-6 1. 科学知识 2. 使某人能够做某事 3. 归功于 4. 引导我们行善 5. 有利的力量 6.知识上的享受 7.激励人们深入看问题 8.让某人失望 para 3-6 9. 被引领做某事 10. 无知,怀疑和不确定 11. 重要 12.关于 13.认为...理所当然 14.留出怀疑的空间 15.允许我们去质疑 para 3-6 9. be led to do 10. ignorance and doubt and uncertainty 11. be of great importance 12. as to 13. take it for granted 14. leave room for doubt 15. permit us to doubt Structure Introduction: _____ _____ Main body: _____ _____ Conclusion: _____ _____ Figure out the structre of this lecture transcript. paras.1-2 paras. 3-6 para. 7 Structure Introduction: _____ _____ Main body: _____ _____ Conclusion: _____ _____ Introducing the topic Three values of science Duty of scientists Figure out the structre of this lecture transcript. paras.1-2 paras. 3-6 para. 7 Let’s see the details. Read the lecture transcript and finish the mind map. he thought science would make good things for everybody of people and it put our future at risk represented the destruction Before the war After the war Making good th ... ...

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