
译林版(2020) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Grammar and usage课件(共47张PPT)

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:90次 大小:17402103Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Grammar 过去分词作定语, 表语,状语和宾补 Guessing game: Find something to match the riddles(猜谜) (1) When heated, I’ll turn into gas, what am I water (2) If taken half, I will leave nothing, what number am I Eight (8) (3)Made of gold, I often live on the woman's finger,what am I ring What can you find (1). When heated, water turns into gas. (2). If taken half, 8 will leave nothing. (3). Made of gold, rings often live on the woman's finger. 过去分词 过去分词的基本形式你知道吗? 那么简单,谁不知道。是由动词末尾加 -ed 形式构成,因此又叫动词的 -ed 形式。 V+-ed drove fought ran forgot forgotten became blew dealt drew mistook caught shrank sang drunk flew 思考:什么是过去分词? 示例 一般 过去 过去分词 规则/不规则 dive dived dived 规则 fetch fetched fetched 规则 swell swelled swollen 不规则 see saw seen 不规则 过去分词_____ 表被动/完成 Part One (过去分词用作定语) a closed door a broken window a polluted river Find out the rules: 归纳1:单个过去分词作定语放于其修饰的名词之____。 前 =The player _____ _____ _____ by many people is Yao Ming. The player _____ is Yao Ming. 这个被很多人喜爱的运动员叫做姚明。 who loved is loved by many people 归纳2:过去分词短语作定语时,一般置于其修饰的名词之____,其作用相当于一个_____。 定语从句 后 a girl dressed in white the fallen leaves the falling leaves 2.V-ing 表动作正在进行, V-ed 表动作已经完成。 the boiled water 正在沸腾的水 烧开过的水 the boiling water Summary V-ed作定语规律总结 1. 过去分词可用作_____,修饰_____。 2. 单个分词通常放所修饰词_____;分词短语放在所修饰词_____; 3.修饰不定代词在其_____。 定语 名词或代词 之前 之后 之后 过去分词强调动作_____, 不定式强调动作_____, 现在分词强调动作_____。 The people_____ (sing)behind the classroom are all leaders and English teachers. We will have some homework_____ (do)after this opening class tonight. The gentleman_____ (call)Mr. Zhou is our headmaster. 被动,完成 将来 主动, 进行 Do and compare called singing to do 过去分词与不定式, 现在分词作定语的区别: 即时训练 1 However, a lot of young people consider him as a true hero.Some young people had their hair _____like him.His cruel behavior even had so many people _____(沉迷其中). cut addicted (1)用所给词的适当形式填空 ①The _____ (excite) people rushed into the building. ②Tell the children _____ (play) outside not to make too much noise. ③All the _____ (break) windows have been repaired. (2)补全句子 ④Our class went on _____ last Monday. 上周一我们班开展了一次有组织的旅行。 excited playing broken an organized trip ⑤The books,_____,are popular with many Chinese people. 鲁迅写的这些书,受到了许多国人的喜爱。 written by Lu Xun Part Two (过去分词用作表语) 3. When the cat found all fish gone, it felt_____ (surprise). surprised 4.The boys are playing football. They are very _____ (delight). delighted PP used as predicative(表语). 1.She seemed very delighted. 2.She looked very worried. Summary: 过去分词作___ 语,表示____语的感 受或状态,相当于一个_____ 词,通 ... ...

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