

日期:2024-04-27 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:60次 大小:386560Byte 来源:二一课件通
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2023-2024学年第二学期高一英语 译林版期中测试卷(1) 第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 A Short stories are amazing. You can get something useful out of them. The Bogey Beast Flora Annie Steel A woman finds a pot of treasure on the road. Pleased with her luck, she decides to keep it. As she is taking it home, it keeps changing. However, her enthusiasm(热情)refuses to fade away. Her positive personality tries to make every terrible situation seem like a gift. There Will Come Soft Rains Ray Bradbury Earth has been destroyed by war. However, machines continue to function and serve humans who have long ago died. The title is taken from a poem describing how nature will continue its work long after humanity is gone. But in this story, we see that nature plays a supporting role and machines have taken its place. The Tale of Johnny Town-Mouse Beatrix Potter Timmie is a country mouse accidentally taken to a city. He finds himself at a party and makes a friend. When he can’t bear the city life, he returns to his home. When his friend visits him, something similar happens. Village and city life are recent inventions and we need to decide their costs and benefits. The Night Train at Deoli Ruskin Bond While taking the train, Ruskin Bond always has to pass through a small station called Deoli. One day he sees a girl selling fruit and he is unable to forget her. This is about our attachment to strangers and why we treasure them even though we do not meet them ever again. 1. What does There Will Come Soft Rains want to teach us A.Nature works in its own way. B.Humans shouldn’t break natural law. C.Technology can still function without humanity. D.Technology should be developed to serve our life. 2. What happened to Timmie’s friend A.He settled down in the village. B.He made many friends in the village. C.He couldn’t get used to the village life. D.He couldn’t bear the life in the city anymore. 3. Whose story tries to show the connections between people A.Flora Annie Steel’s. B.Ray Bradbury’s. C.Beatrix Potter’s. D.Ruskin Bond’s. B A couple had to put their wedding on hold after a barn owl (仓枭) called Darcy which had been chosen to deliver the rings fell asleep in the roof of the church. The bride had secretly arranged it. But what happened was out of her expectation. Rev Bryan, who was in charge of the ceremony between Sonia Cadman, 46, and Andrew Mettle, 49, said: “It would have been absolutely excellent — if it worked. It was a lovely idea and it was supposed to be really stunning. When it dived over the heads of the guests, they’d all feel the air rushing from its wings and would get a big surprise. “The groom is an amateur falconer (训鹰人) and so it was secretly arranged for two falconers to suddenly appear at the moment when the best man was about to hand over the rings. One of them stood at the front of the church next to us wit ... ...

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