
牛津译林版九年级上册Unit 3 Teenage problems Integrated skills学案(无答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中学案 查看:66次 大小:1273730Byte 来源:二一课件通
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学习任务单 课程基本信息 学科 英语 年级 九年级 学期 秋季 课题 Unit 3 Teenage problems Integrated skills 教科书 书 名:译林版英语九年级上册 -出卷网-:译林-出卷网- 出版日期:2014年6月 学生信息 姓名 学校 班级 学号 学习目标 By the end of the class, students will be able to: 1.learn some new words and expressions “Chemistry, progress, pronounce, pronunciation, correctly, laugh at, go over; 2. extract (提取) information from the listening materials and take notes ; 3. analyse (分析) the conversation and work out the structure; 4. talk about their own problems and try to deal with the problems. 课前学习任务 1. Preview the words and expressions in Unit 3(from chemistry to don’t mention it). 2. Preview the content on Page 43-44, 并准备好英语书和双色笔。 课上学习任务 【学习任务一】Learn some new words and expressions. laugh at, pronounce, pronunciation,correctly, go over 【学习任务二】Listen and tick. 【学习任务三】Memory competition. Listen again and see who can remember the most information. 【学习任务四】Read and find out Nora's problems. My name is Nora. I'm a Grade 9 student. I love English, Maths and Chemistry. I study hard, and I always do well in exams. I'm one of the top students in my class. However, I'm not very good at sports. I don't have many close friends. I want to make more friends in my class. 【学习任务五】Offer some advice to Nora. (Free talk) I'm not very good at sports. I don't have many close friends. 【学习任务六】Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.(P43) 【学习任务七】What makes a good conversation 【学习任务八】Complete the report in Part A3 (P44). Nora is one of the (1) _____ in her class at Sunshine Middle School. Her favourite subjects are (2) _____, (3) _____ and (4) _____. Nora does well in exams, but she still has some problems. She is not very good at sports. She cannot (5) _____ and hates (6) _____. Also, sometimes her classmates (7) _____ her and call her a bookworm. This makes her feel bad. I told her what to do in PE class. She should just (8) _____ and (9) _____. I also told her to (10) _____ the classmates who laugh at her. Now Nora seems much happier than before. She still finds sport difficult, but she can talk to her best friend Betty when she feels sad and (11) _____ with her. She should be (12) _____ her schoolwork. 【学习任务九】Listen to the conversation and answer the questions. 1.What is Daniel’s problem 2. How does he feel 【学习任务十】Read the conversation for Millie’s advice. 3. What are Millie’s suggestions 【学习任务十一】Read after the tape sentence by sentence. 【学习任务十】Role-play the conversation. 【学习任务十一】Make up new dialogues and act them out. 推荐的学习资源 《译林版英语九年级上册》P43-44,P143; 《Go for it 人教版英语八年级下册》Unit 4; 《九年级初中英语阅读》Unit 3; 国家教育公共平台https://www.eduyun.cn ... ...

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