
外研版八下Module 5 Unit 1(课件+音视频+教学设计+知识点+练习含答案)

日期:2024-04-28 科目:英语 类型:初中教案 查看:50次 大小:70155167Byte 来源:二一课件通
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    中小学教育资源及组卷应用平台 Ⅰ. 根据语境及所给首字母提示补全所缺单词。 1. Grandma’s joke was so funny that I couldn’t help l_____. 2. Mr Green’s son is very s_____ and he does well in all subjects. 3. The s_____ turned dark as the storm came near. 4. We all like Mr Smith. He often tells us some interesting and h_____ stories to make us happy. 5. The children learned a l_____ from this accident: don’t talk on the phone while walking on the street. Ⅱ. 根据语境用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Old John has _____(fight) against his illness for long. 2. Mr Black is one of the _____(cool) men teachers in our school. 3. Mr Miller looks young and _____(handsome). 4. David spends all his free time playing computer games and watching _____(cartoon). 5. I know the _____(hero) of this book are two boys. Ⅲ.单项选择。 1. It's 12:00 now. It's time _____ us _____ have lunch. A. of; to B. to; for C. to; of D. for; to 2. Tom and Jerry are very funny. I can't help _____ when I watch them. A. singing B. laughing C. sleeping D. talking 3. —Let's watch Tom and Jerry then. —Good idea. I like _____ cartoons. A. serious B. sad C. exciting D. humorous 4. —Could you tell me the way to the small village —Certainly. Go _____the forest and you can see it. A. through B. across C. over D. cross 5. —I think I've got a bad cold, Doctor. Shall I take some medicine —No need. Your body itself is able to _____ the virus(病毒). Just drink more water and rest. A. catch B. fight C. lose D. hide 答案: Ⅰ. 1. laughing 2. smart 3. sky 4. humorous 5. lesson Ⅱ. 1. fought 2. coolest 3. handsome 4. cartoons 5. heroes Ⅲ. 1. D 点拨:考查固定句型。It's time for sb. to do sth.意为“到某人该做某事的时间了”。 2. B 点拨:用寻找题眼法解答。根据句中funny可知应用laughing。 3. D 点拨:用常识法解答。根据生活常识可知,动画片《猫和老鼠》非常幽默,故选D。 4. A 点拨:through意为“通过;穿过”,强调通过立体空间,从森林里通过,表示通过立体空间,故选A。 5. B 点拨:考查动词辨析。句意:———大夫,我想我得了重感冒,我吃些药好吗?———不需要,你的身体本身就能对抗病毒,只是多喝些水,休息一下就行。根据句意可知应选B。(课件网) 1. It’s time to watch a cartoon.是时候看卡通片了。 It’s time to do sth. “该做某事的时候了”。 It’s time for sth./doing sth. “该做某事的时候了”。 Language points 到了上床睡觉的时间了。 It’s time to go to bed. 到了吃晚饭的时间了。It’s time to have supper. It’s time to have breakfast. =It’s time for breakfast/ having breakfast. 该吃早饭了。 2.I can’t help laughing when I watch them! 看的时候我总忍不住要笑。 can’t help doing sth. “忍不住做某事” I couldn’t help thinking about the past. 我禁不住想起了过去。 She couldn’t help crying. 她禁不住哭了起来。 3.The cute mouse always beats the cat! 这只机灵的老鼠总能打败那只猫。 beat表示“打败,胜过”之意,后接的宾语多是某运动员或球队。beat还可以表示“敲打,(心脏等)跳动”。“beat+人/队伍”表示“打败… ” “win+比赛”表示“在…比赛中获胜” Do you think the Stars w ... ...

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