

日期:2024-04-30 科目:英语 类型:高中试卷 查看:57次 大小:20227Byte 来源:二一课件通
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高考语法填空形容词副词比较级,最高级&修饰关系综合练习 The museum hoped the programs not only brightened up the life of old people but also pass on the qualities to the _____(young) generations. My grandma told me that, while dancing in the square, it is beautiful to wear colorful headscarves and smile _____(bright) at everyone. “There are lots of things that we benefited from by _____(simple) being here in China,” said Jay Thonhill, an Australian-American who co-founded one online shopping platform based in Shanghai. It is different from making latte because people use clear water instead of milk as the object to make the tea soup appear various patterns, which will disappear _____(gradual) in 20 minutes. And the greenway provides _____(extreme) good spots to observe these birds. _____(basic), a robot is a machine created to perform a series of actions. It also became one of the first to _____(official) regulate the construction standards and safety supervision of camping sites. After winning the championship in boys’ single under 14 years old at the ASICS Tennis Junior Tour in Guangzhou in late August, 2022, Wang Fa has _____(rapid) attracted attention on the Internet. Meanwhile, China is also working on a series of reusable space launch and transport systems that will _____(significant) boost its space shuttle capability, lowering costs and empowering future development in this area. Most of us would probably be able to _____(accurate) identify these signs, even in a stranger. The lab module, which weighs 23.2 tons and is 17.9 meters tall, is the country’s largest and _____(heavy) spacecraft to date. _____(ultimate), his family decided to sing the same tune as Liu and respected his right to choose his own path. With a click of the mouse, they can gain access to exhibition halls that they may never be able to visit _____(physical). Several Halloween gatherings took place in Itaewon, and the police estimated that _____(rough) 100, 000 people had participated in the Halloween parties in the area, which is known for its nightclubs. “Because vaccines are developed for the public’s health, not _____(simple) individuals, they are particularly interesting,” says Dr. Graham. Scores of towns along the banks developed, contributing _____(huge) to ancient China’s economy. Sea ice in the area could disappear _____(complete) by 2035. Liars _____(usual) raise their eyebrows. In addition to making her _____(incredible) popular, her great linguistic skill has made it easier for her to communicate with foreign tourists. That’s how China has participated in this World Cup and _____(early) tournaments before, and may do so in the upcoming ones too: by providing. The shepherd was about to help them when he was surprised to find that one of them should _____(voluntary) abandon the struggle, and went along with the other. _____(gentle) taking his hand, she signed “Are you OK What do you need ”. The driver then moves through the vehicle to insure the childre ... ...

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