
牛津译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 2 Natural Disasters 词组整合语境记忆知识清单素材

日期:2024-06-01 科目:英语 类型:高中素材 查看:49次 大小:25849Byte 来源:二一课件通
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模块三词组整合语境记忆Unit2教师版 课本P15 1 版块运动 plates moving 2 火山喷发 A volcano erupts. volcanic eruption 3 大量的泥土和石头 a large amount of earth and rock 课本P16-17 Reading课文词组 1 遭受轻伤 L2-3 suffer slight injuries 2 整个,全部 L4 at large 3 紧紧抓住 L7 hold on to (hold-held-held) 4 以防(万一);假使 L8 in case 5 保持静止不动 L10 (still adj. 静止的) remain still 6 一…就… L12 the moment+从句,另一句子 The moment the shaking stopped, Miss Brown sensed it was the best time for the class to make their escape. 7 逃生 L13 make one’s escape 8 示意某人做某事 L13 signal过去式过去分词 signal to sb. to do sth. She signaled to her students to exit the classroom in an orderly line. signal-signalled-signalled 9 整齐列队 L13-14 in an orderly line 11 下楼 L15 go down the stairs 12 匆忙赶往,冲向 L15 rush to the playground 13 点名 L16 roll call 14 一系列的巨浪 a series of/ a range of huge waves 15 急速穿越 (race v. 赛跑,比赛;快速移动) race across 16 微风拂过他们的头发 The soft wind brushed their hair. 17 她立刻意识到这是海啸来临的征兆。 It immediately occurred to her that these were signs of an approaching tsunami. 18 在路上,即将发生或来临 be on its/the way 19 使某人宽慰的是 to one’s relief 20 海滩上的人迅速疏散一空。 The beach was rapidly cleared of people. 21 撞到..上 crash into 课本P18-23 1 使某人害怕 scare sb. 2 停电 I was quite frightened during the power failure. 3 用完补给 run out of supplies 4 给慈善机构捐赠食品和衣物 donate food and clothes to charities 5 详细描述某物 describe sth in great detail 6 为灾区募集资金 raise funds for the disaster area 7 浏览 go / look through 8 紧急服务 the emergency services 9 为某人提供某物 provide sb with sth 11 一个困在洪水中的家庭 (catch-caught-caught)be caught in 被困在…过去分词作后置定语 a family caught in a flood 12 雨不停地下了三天。 It had been raining non-stop for three days. 13 风在怒号,雨拍打着屋顶和窗户。 The wind roared and the rain beat on the roof and window. 14 灾难补给品 disaster supplies 15 我们不能那样做,否则流动的水会把车冲走的。 We can’t do that, otherwise the moving water could wash the car away. 16 好奇做某事,curious be curious to do sth. 17 水可能会涌入的。 The water may flood in. 18 爸爸把晚餐桌抵住门,以防洪水把门用力推开。(force n.暴力,武力 vt.强迫,用力推) Dad moved the dinner table against the door, in case the floodwater forced the door open. 19 她柔声说:“一切都会好的。“尽最大努力安慰玛丽。 “Everything’s going to be OK,” she said softly, trying her best to comfort Mary. 20 报名(参加) sign up (for) 21 获得一枚奖章 receive a medal 课本P9-10 1 几个鲸鱼物种 some whale species 2 保护区(受保护的protected) protected areas 3 能够更好地做(better 为well的比较级) be better able to do sth. 4 为我们提供食物和药 provide food and medicine for us 5 维持我们生态系统的平衡 maintain the balance of our ecosystem 6 使猎杀濒危动物违法 make hunting endangered animals against the law 7 保护动物栖息地 protect animal habitats 8 采取小的行动 take small actions 句子语境记忆 1 人类活 ... ...

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