
Unit 5 There is a big bed PartB Let's learn & find and say课件(共52张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:小学课件 查看:68次 大小:43229822Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Unit 5 There is a big bed. Part B Let's learn & Find and say 学习目标 学生能够听、说、读、写五个有关位置的单词或词组:between,above,beside,behind和词组in front of;能在情境中熟练运用句子“—Where’s the... —It’s...”谈论物体的位置 语言能力 能够培养观察能力、方向感和口语交际能力 文化意识 学生能够理解对话大意,能够按照正确的意群及语音语调,模仿朗读对话并进行角色表演 思维品质 能够完成教材中Find and say板块的看图说话活动,并根据结果能够综合运用本单元句型和核心词汇描述房间内物品的摆放 学习能力 01 目录 情景导入 1 2 新知操练 3 交际应用与对话 4 知识练习与巩固 5 家庭作业 情景导入 — PART 1 — scenario import Watch a video Look and say Where is the ball It’s ____ the box. in on under under Look and say Where is the ball It’s ____ the box. on in under in Look and say Where is the ball It’s ____ the box. on in under on Zhang Peng has two pet dogs. They like playing with the ball. Can you find where the is ball Lead in 新知操练 — PART 2 — new knowledge practice Where is the ball It’s in front of the dog. in front of There is a ball in front of the dog. ... 对比记忆 A cat is in front of the chair. 一只猫在 椅子前面。 in front of 在……(外部的)前面 in the front of 在……(内部的)前面 in the front of in front of 短 语 例 句 n.(名词) 正面 She is in front of the blackboard. blackboard Can you say teacher Where is the teacher She is in the front of the classroom. Can you say teacher classroom Where is the teacher Where is the _____ It’s _____. dog in front of the duck/monkey/cat Where is the man He’s in the front of the car. Where is the ball It’s behind the dog. behind There is a ball behind the dog. ... 图片记忆 There is a plant behind the computer. 电脑后面有一株植物。 behind the door 在门后 in front of 在……前面 反义短语 短 语 例 句 prep.(介词) 在(或向) ……后面 Where is the ball/dog The ball is _____ the dog. The dog is _____ the ball. behind in front of Where is the ball It’s beside the dog. beside There is a ball beside the dog. ... 加法记忆 There is a ball beside the dog. 狗旁边有一个球。 beside the teacher’s desk 在讲台旁边 next to 紧邻;在……近旁 beside 在旁边(附近) be 是 side 近旁;旁边 + 近义短语 短 语 例 句 prep.(介词) 在旁边(附近) The _____ is beside the _____. photo window/clock water bottle bed desk door between Where is the ball It’s between the dogs. There is a ball between the dogs. ... 图片记忆 The boy is between the two trees. 男孩在两棵树之间。 between… and… 在……和……之间 短 语 例 句 prep.(介词) 在……中间 Where is the ball It’s between the dogs. It’s between the yellow dog and the black dog. Where is the _____ It’s between the _____ and the _____. duck dog monkey monkey duck cat Where is the _____ It’s _____. bird between the two trees Where is the ball It’s above the dog. above There is a ball above the dog. ... 对比记忆 above 意为“在(或向)……上面”,两者不接触;on 意为“在……上面”,两者接触。 The photo is above the bed. 照片 ... ...

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