
人教版(2019)必修第一册 Welcome unit Reading for Writing课件(共18张PPT)

日期:2024-04-29 科目:英语 类型:高中课件 查看:51次 大小:3704786Byte 来源:二一课件通
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(课件网) Welcome Unit Reading for Writing Write a student profile 【新人教 必修一】 Learning Objectives 语言目标: 1)掌握描述性格和学习风格的短语和句子。 2)熟悉并掌握学生简介文体结构语言特点。 能力目标: 能够写出一篇语言简洁、结构清晰的学生简介。 情感目标: 让读者了解自己并给人留下深刻印象。 Self-introduction Ann,15 Lakeside High School USA My name is Ann Wells and I’m _____(10年级的学生) at Lakeside High School. I’m _____(一个积极的人) and I _____(喜欢运动) love sports. I _____(对......很好奇) everything. I often ask questions, but I _____(在实践中学得最好). _____(我最喜欢的学科) is physics. Dancing and skating are _____(我的爱好), and I also like to read short stories. I plan to _____(成为一个工程师) in the future. a Grade 10 student an active person love sports am curious about My favourite subject my hobbies become an engineer learn best by doing Read and Find (Words and lexical chunks) Thando,16 South Hill High School South Africa I’m Thando Gowon. I’m _____ (今年16岁). I come from South Africa. I’m a Grade 10 student _____ (在南山高中) . I look good, _____(思维敏捷), and play hard. You’ll _____ _____(永远不会看到我不带书或笔) . If I’m not in class, I’m _____(要么) in the library _____(要么) in the computer lab. At the weekends, I _____ (玩电脑游戏) if I’m not busy studying. My dream is _____(创办自己的IT公司) ! Read and Find (Words and lexical chunks) at South Hill High School 16 this year never see me without a book or a pen think fast either or play computer games to start my own IT company Circle the phrases for describing their personalities and underline the sentences which describe their learning styles. ——— ——— ——— ——— ——— A Name, age, grade, school B Personality C Favourite subject D Learning style E Hobbies F Future plans and dreams A student profile A student profile can include the following parts Read and Think Which profile writing do you prefer Why I prefer the second one, because he paints a clearer picture (with descriptions) of what kind of person he is while the first one mostly contains lists. To show, but not to tell Read and Think Writing Ⅲ Use what you have learnt to write your own profile Writing Task-1 (Brainstorm) More words describing personality Learning styles Study methods Create diagrams/mind maps to understand structure and ideas Watch videos Listen to something Read the notes aloud Record the lecture and listen to it later Take detailed notes and read them very often Writing things down to memorise Read and re-read Doing experiment Read materials while doing other things, like walking and on a transport Visual (视觉) Hearing (听觉) Reading and Writing (读写) Hand-on (动觉) Discover your learning style. Complete the outline and draft your student profile. Basic information Name: Age: Grade: School: Favourite subject: Personality: Learning style: Hobbies: Future plans and dreams: Student Profile My name is_____, and I’m a ____ ... ...

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